We're not Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks, la Xue Xbox que acaba de anunciar Microsoft. As a prerequisite for the commission, it is only to have a disconcertion of a partir de hoy, 18 of 18 marzo. What can you do to use Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. The trails of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks, los usuarios de Xbox Game Pass Ultimate podrán restibirzuer como DLC, are great in-game features in the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. This is the most important time of the day, the time of the day.
Para empezar, Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks, la Xue Xbox, incluirá este mes el contenido de los siguientes juegos. Recordad además que tenéis disonible la promoción de un messages de Xbox Game Pass Ultimate a 1 €, complete estos momentos:
- Phantasy Star Online 2. Adentraros en el mundo del mayor RPG online con un bundle especial, que incluye emotes únicos, cosméticos in-game (incluida una cazadora de Xbox), un Mission Pass dorado y monedas del juego. There is a disastrous monologue for the Canadá and Estados Unidos.
- Land of Tanks: Mercenaries: un multjugador free-to-play global, ambientado en el siglo XX.
- Sea of Thieves: Con los Perks, disco by unas velas, icon of the band inspiradas en Ori, para porar nuestro barco.
- Call: el MOBA número 1 llega con un bundle que incluye cinco Dioses, skins especiales para los personajes y packs de voces, para poder discrutar de la batalla divina definition.
// hide the screws until fully loaded jQuery (& # 39;. clear-inner & # 39;). show (); jQuery (& # 39;. trending-wrapper & # 39;). show ();
jQuery ("Continuous Content"). smoothDivScroll ({ manualContinuousScrolling: true, visualHotSpotBackgrounds: "always", hotSpotScrollingStep: 4, hotSpotScrollingInterval: 4, touchScrolling: true }); jQuery (". Specific Content"). SpyDivScroll ({ manualContinuousScrolling: true, visualHotSpotBackgrounds: "always", hotSpotScrollingStep: 4, hotSpotScrollingInterval: 4, touchScrolling: true }); jQuery (". Actual Content .scrollableArea"). AddClass ("logo");
// jquery ui the slider jQuery (& # 39;. selector form & # 39;). Slide ({ number: 5, minutes: 0, max: 10, Step: 0,1, orientation: "horizontal", width: "min", Open mouth: true, slide: function (event, ui) { var scale = ui.value;
jQuery (this) .parent (). siblings (& # 39;. rating-value & # 39;). html (scale); } });
// HD images if (windows.devicePixelRatio == 2) { Var = jQuery images ("img.hires"); // loop through the images and make them hi-res for (var i = 0; i <images.length; i ++) { // create a new image name var imageType = images (i) .src.substr (-4); var imageName = images (i) .src.substr (0, images (i) .src.length - 4); imageName + = "@ 2x" + imageType; // rename the image images (i) .src = imageName; } }
jQuery (& # 39; a.featured-image & # 39;). colorbox (); jQuery (& # 39;. colorbox & # 39;). colorbox (); jQuery (". content content (href $ = & # 39;. jpg & # 39;), a (href $ = & # 39;. png & # 39;), a (href $ = & # 39;. gif & # 39 😉 ") .boxbox (); jQuery (& # 39; .- content .gallery a & # 39;). colorbox ({rel: & # 39; gallery & # 39;});
// IE9 capture text jQuery (& # 39; input, textarea & # 39;).
// add content menu items jQuery (jQuery (& # 39; # content-anchor-internal & # 39;). get (& # 39;. content-class-divider & # 39;). get (). reverse ()). (()) var id = jQuery (this) .attr (& # 39; id & # 39;); var label = jQuery (this) .data (& # 39; label & # 39;); jQuery (& # 39; # content-anchor-wrapper & # 39;) .After (& # 39;
& # 39;); });
var fromTop = 119; // attach scrolls jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) .crcrpy ({target: & # 39; .contents-menu & # 39 ;, offset: fromTop});
// tasks that need to run after clicking ajax buttons dynamicElements ();
// navigation menu fx menuHovers ();
// is used for objects inside ajax panels functionical function () { // portholes mouseovers jQuery (". portholes .porthole-link"). hover ( function () { jQuery (this) .siblings (". color color"). Stop (). animated ({ & # 39; opacity & # 39;: & # 39; 8 & # 39; }, 150); jQuery (this) .siblings (". porthole-layer"). Stop (). animate ({ & # 39; opacity & # 39;: & # 39; 0 & # 39; }, 350); jQuery (this) .siblings (". porthole-info"). get (". rating-wrapper"). Stop (). animate ({ & # 39; opacity & # 39;: & # 39; 9 & # 39; }, 100); jQuery (this) .siblings (". porthole-info"). Stop (). Delay. (0) .queue (function (next) { jQuery (this) .addClass ("active"); Next (); }); }, function () { jQuery (this) .siblings (". color color"). Stop (). animated ({ & # 39; opacity & # 39;: & # 39; 0 & # 39; }, 550); jQuery (this) .siblings (". porthole-layer"). Stop (). animate ({ & # 39; opacity & # 39;: & # 39; 9 & # 39; }, 250); jQuery (this) .siblings (". porthole-info"). get (". rating-wrapper"). Stop (). animate ({ & # 39; opacity & # 39;: & # 39; 0 & # 39; }, 550); jQuery (this) .siblings (". porthole-info"). Stop (). Delay. (150) .queue (function (next) { jQuery (this) .removeClass ("active"); Next (); }); } ); // active hover jQuery (". add-active"). function () { jQuery (this) .addClass ("active"); }, function () { jQuery (this) .removeClass ("active"); } ); // to move the image jQuery ("active image"). function () { jQuery (this) .find (& # 39; img & # 39;). Stop (). animate ({opacity: .4}, 150); }, function () { jQuery (this) .find (& # 39; img & # 39;). Stop (). animate ({opacity: 1.0}, 500); } ); jQuery (".content"). function () { jQuery (this) .find (& # 39; img & # 39;). Stop (). animate ({opacity: .4}, 150); }, function () { jQuery (this) .find (& # 39; img & # 39;). Stop (). animate ({opacity: 1.0}, 500); } ); // jQuery tools jQuery (& # 39;. info & # 39;) .tiptip (); jQuery (& # 39;. info-top & # 39;) .tiptip (); jQuery (& # 39;. info-low & # 39;) .tiptiptip ((placement: & # 39; low & # 39;}); jQuery (& # 39;. info-left & # 39;) .tiptiptip ((placement: & # 39; left & # 39;}); jQuery (& # 39;. info-right & # 39;) .tiptiptip ((placement: & # 39; right & # 39;}); // popovers jQuery jQuery (& # 39;. popthis & # 39;). popover (); // jQuery crowdfunding jQuery (". alert") alert (); // jQuery fitvids jQuery (& # 39;. video_frame & # 39;). fitVids (); // columns of equal height equHeightColumns (jQuery (". widget-widget"); equHeightColumns (jQuery (". loop.grid .article-panel")); // when items are added firmly to the page load, need to respond with a new range resizeContentsMenu (); resizeStickyMenu (); }
// call the same height columns when the window is rebuilt jQuery (window) .resize (function () { equHeightColumns (jQuery (". widget-widget"); equHeightColumns (jQuery (". loop.grid .article-panel")); resizeContentsMenu (); resizeStickyMenu (); });
// call equal height columns when widgets have been re-expanded jQuery ("# widgets)) increase size (function (e) { equHeightColumns (jQuery (". widget-widget"); });
// call the same height columns where the main menu items are drawn when the sub menus // is hidden and has no extensions until it appears jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) in (& # 39; mouseover & # 39 ;, & # 39; # category-menu-full a.parent-item & # 39 ;, function (e) { equHeightColumns (jQuery ("# category-menu-full ul.term-list, # category-menu-full li.post-list"), of course); }); // columns of equal height function equal HeightColumns (group, olimit) { long = 0; width = jQuery (window). width (); group.each (function () { jQuery (this) .removeAttr (& # 39; style & # 39;); thisHeight = jQuery (this). light (); if (thisHeight>) long = loHeight; } }); if (width> 991 "https://www.somosxbox.com/" nolimit) { group.height (too long); } }
var topOffset = 70; var barOffset = 208;
jQuery (window) .scroll (function () { if (jQuery (this) .scrollTop ()> 110) { jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-bar & # 39;). AddClass (& # 39; fixed & # 39;); jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-bar.logo-slide .logo a & # 39;). Stop (). animate ({opacity: 1.0, left: & # 39; 0px & # 39;}, 100); } else { if (! jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-menu & # 39;). ((visible)) &&! jQuery (& # 39; # category-menu-mobile & # 39;). ((: visible))) { jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-bar & # 39;). removeClass (& # 39; modified & # 39;); jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-bar.logo-slide .logo a & # 39;). Stop (). animate ({opacity: 0, left: & # 39; -100px & # 39;}, 500); } } if (jQuery (this) .scrollTop ()> 44) { jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-bar & # 39;). AddClass (& # 39; sticky-mobile & # 39;); } else { jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-bar & # 39;). UninstallClass (& # 39; sticky-mobile & # 39;); }
// move it back to the up arrow if (jQuery (this) .scrollTop () < 150) { jQuery("#back-to-top").fadeOut(); } else { jQuery("#back-to-top").fadeIn(); } resizeContentsMenu(); resizeStickyMenu(); }); function resizeStickyMenu() { //see if compact versions of menus should be shown if(jQuery('#section-menu-full').length > 0) { var megaWidth = jQuery (& # 39;. mega-menu & # 39;). width (); if (jQuery (& # 39;. mega-menu & # 39;). == 0) { var megaWidth = jQuery (& # 39; .- non-mega-menu & # 39;) width (); } var standardWidth = jQuery (& # 39; second-full menu & # 39;). width (); var compactWidth = jQuery (& # 39;. secondary-menu-compact & # 39;). wide (); var menusWidth = megaWidth + standardWidth; var compactMenusWidth = megaWidth + compactWidth; var logoWidth = jQuery (& # 39; # stick-bar. log & # 39;) width (); // var logoLeft = jQuery (& # 39; # sticky. .gogo & # 39;). offset (); // logoWidth = logoWidth + logoLeft.left; var newWidth = jQuery (& # 39; # new-articles & # 39;) width (); var stickyWidth = jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-menu-selected & # 39;) width (); var randomWidth = jQuery (& # 39; # random article & # 39;) width (); var controlWidth = jQuery (& # 39; # attachments-control & # 39;) width (); var barWidth = jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-bar> .row> .col-md-12> .container & # 39;). width (); if (barWidth === null) barWidth = jQuery (& # 39; # stick-bar> .row> .col-xs-12> .container & # 39;) width (); var extraWidth = logoWidth + newWidth + stickyWidth + randomWidth + controlsWidth; var limitedWidth = barWidth - extraWidth; // alert (& # 39; megaWidth = & # 39; + megaWidth + & # 39; nstandardWidth = & # 39; + standardWidth + & # 39; nmenusWidth = & # 39; + menusWidth + & # 39; nlogoWidth = & # 39; + logoWidth + & # 39; haswWthth = & # 39; + newWidth + & # 39; nstickyWidth = & # 39; + sticky + & # 39; nrandomWidth = & # 39; + randomWidth + & # 39; ncontrolsWidth = & # 39; + controlsWidth + & # 39; nbarWidth = & # 39; + barWidth + & # 39; nextraWidth = & # 39; + extraWidth + & # 39; nlimitWidth = & # 39; + limitWidth); The mega menu only exceeds the limit if (megaWidth> limitWidth) { jQuery (& # 39; # category-menu-full & # 39;). arrive (); jQuery (& # 39; # category-menu-compact & # 39;). show (); } // standard menu alone exceeds limit if (standardWidth> limitWidth) { jQuery (& # 39;. second-full menu & # 39;). arrive (); jQuery (& # 39;. secondary-menu-compact & # 39;). show (); } // both menus bypass the limit if (menusWidth> limitWidth) { // first minimizes the standard menu jQuery (& # 39;. second-full menu & # 39;). arrive (); jQuery (& # 39;. secondary-menu-compact & # 39;). show (); // The limit of the standard compiler menu composite menu if (compactMenusWidth> limitWidth) { jQuery (& # 39; # category-menu-full & # 39;). arrive (); jQuery (& # 39; # category-menu-compact & # 39;). show (); } } } }
function sizeContentsMenu () { // bookmark position if (jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-default & # 39;) length> 0) { var menuOffset = jQuery (& # 39 ;.-menu-boat row & # 39;). offset (). top - topOffset; var newWidth = jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-boat & # 39;) width () - 2; var btnWidth = jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-wrap ul.sort-buttons & # 39;). width (); var lblWidth = jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-wrap .bar-label-wrapper & # 39;). width (); var wrapperWidth = jQuery (& # 39; # great content & # 39;). width () - 2; var barWidth = btnWidth + lblWidth; if (barWidth> wrapperWidth) { jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-default & # 39;). AddClass (& # 39; vertical & # 39;); } if (! jQuery (& # 39;.-menu-content-victim & # 39;). hasClass (& # 39; vertical & # 39;) && jQuery (this) .scrollTop ()> menuOffset) { jQuery (& # 39;. menu contents & # 39;). AddClass (& # 39; fixed & # 39;) width (newWidth); } else { jQuery (& # 39;. menu contents & # 39;). DeleteClass (& # 39; modified & # 39;). deleteAttr (& # 39; style & # 39;); } // show menu after scroll and hide later (only vertically) if (jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-timer & # 39;). hasClass (& # 39; vertical & # 39;)) { if (! jQuery (& # 39; .- content-menu-storage & # 39;). ((visible))) { jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-green & # 39;). stop (). fadeIn (100); } } } if (jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-timer & # 39;). hasClass (& # 39; vertical & # 39;)) { var newOffset = 68; jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) data.) (& # 39; bs.scrollpy & # 39;). options.offset = newOffset; // Set up new setup jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) Data () (& # 39; bs.scrcrpy & # 39;). process (); // Press scrolls to re-measure the property in your test jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) .crcrpy (& # 39; refresh & # 39;); // Restart the scroll. } }
// when disqus is working we have been working to fix the link connection from the comment to the disqus thread function disqusContentsMenu () { if (jQuery ("# disqus_thread") length> 0) { jQuery ("# views-anchor-wrapper a"). interesting ("href", "#disqus_thread"); } }
// hide context menu 2 seconds after scrolling has stopped (function () { var timer; jQuery (window) .bind (& # 39; scroll & # 39 ;, function () { clearTimeout (timer); timer = setTimeout (refresh, 1800); }); rip = function () { // only want to do this in vertical style and only if the mouse does not currently fit the menu if (jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-storage & # 39;). hasClass (& # 39; vertical & # 39;) && jQuery (& # 39 ;. content-menu-screen: hover & # 39;) . = = 0) { jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-woven & # 39;). fadeOut (1200); } }; }) ();
// hide the context menu after the married user (function () { var timer; jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) in (& # 39; mouseenter & # 39 ;, & # 39; .contents-menu-wrapper.vertical & # 39 ;, function (e) { jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-storage & # 39;). set (true, true) .fadeIn (100); clearTimeout (timer); }); jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) in (& # 39; mouseleave & # 39 ;, & # 39; .contents-menu-wrapper.vertical & # 39 ;, function (e) { clearTimeout (timer); timer = setTimeout (refresh, 1800); }); rip = function () { // only want to do this in vertical style and only if the mouse does not currently fit the menu if (jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-storage & # 39;). hasClass (& # 39; vertical & # 39;) && jQuery (& # 39 ;. content-menu-screen: hover & # 39;) . = = 0) { jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-woven & # 39;). fadeOut (1200); } }; }) ();
/ ** * See href to find anchor. If available, and in the document, scroll to it. * If the href argument is stopped, it is assumed in context (this) by HTML Element, * which will be if requested by jQuery after the event * / function scroll_if_anchor (href) { href = Typeof (href) == "string"? href: jQuery (this) .attr ("href");
// don't interrupt bootstrap carousels if (jQuery (href) .length> 0 &&! jQuery (this) .hasClass (& # 39; no scroll & # 39;)) { var fromTop = 118;
// remove the context menu height (and tags) if (jQuery (& # 39;. content-menu-timer & # 39;). hasClass (& # 39; vertical & # 39;)) { fromTop = fromTop - 51; }
// If our Href points to a valid, empty anchor, and on the same page (e.g. #Foo) // Legacy jQuery and IE7 may have issues: http://stackoverflow.com/q/1593174 if (href.indexOf ("#") == 0) { var $ target = jQuery (href);
// An old browser other than pushState may be overrun here, as it is temporary // jump to the wrong place (IE < 10) if($target.length) { jQuery('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $target.offset().top - fromTop }); if(history && "pushState" in history) { history.pushState({}, document.title, window.location.pathname + href); return false; } } } } } // When our page loads, check to see if it contains an anchor scroll_if_anchor(window.location.hash); // Intercept all anchor clicks jQuery("body").on("click", "a", scroll_if_anchor); //menu hovers function menuHovers() { jQuery(".menu .post-list a").hover( function() { jQuery(this).children('img').stop().animate({ opacity: .3 }, 150); }, function() { jQuery(this).children('img').stop().animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 500); } ); } //new articles effects jQuery("#new-articles .selector").hover( function() { jQuery(this).addClass('over'); }, function() { jQuery(this).removeClass('over'); } ); jQuery("#new-articles .selector").click(function() { jQuery('#new-articles .post-container').animate({ height: 'toggle' }, 100, 'linear' ); jQuery(this).toggleClass('active'); }); //show search box jQuery("#menu-search-button").hover( function() { jQuery(this).toggleClass('hover'); } ); jQuery("#menu-search-button").click( function() { jQuery('#menu-search').fadeToggle("fast"); jQuery(this).toggleClass('active'); } ); //hide superfish more drop down on mobile if clicked again jQuery("#secondary-menu-selector").click( function() { if(jQuery('.secondary-menu-compact ul.menu').is(':visible')) { jQuery('.secondary-menu-compact ul.menu').hide(); } } ); //search form submission jQuery("#searchformtop input").keypress(function(event) { if (event.which == 13) { event.preventDefault(); var len = jQuery("#s").val().length; if(len >= 3) { jQuery ("# searchformtop"). submit (); } else { alert ("Search name must be at least 3 characters long"); } } }); // send email to send jQuery ("# feedburner_subscribe button"). click (function () { jQuery ("# feedburner_subscribe"). submit (); }); // show the entry form jQuery ("# sticky-login"). click (function () { jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-login-form & # 39;). animated ({ height: & # 39; Change & # 39; }, 100, & # 39; queue & # 39;); jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-register-form & # 39;). arrive (); jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-register & # 39;). removeClass (& # 39; active & # 39;); jQuery (this) .toggleClass (& # 39; active & # 39;); }); // show the registration form jQuery ("# sticky-register"). click (function () { jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-register-form & # 39;). animated ({ height: & # 39; Change & # 39; }, 100, & # 39; queue & # 39;); jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-login-form & # 39;). arrive (); jQuery (& # 39; # sticky-login)). DeleteClass (& # 39; active & # 39;); jQuery (this) .toggleClass (& # 39; active & # 39;); }); // to move the hover button results jQuery (". sticky import"). hover (function () { jQuery (this) .toggleClass ("active"); }); // submission of entry form jQuery (". sticky-login #user_pass"). typypress (function (event) { if (event.which == 13) { jQuery ("# sticky-login. upload"). show (); jQuery ("form.sticky-login-form"). animate ({opacity: "0.15"}, 0); event.preventDefault (); jQuery (". sticky-entry-form"). submit (); } }); jQuery ("# sticky-login"). click (function () { jQuery ("# sticky-login. upload"). show (); jQuery ("form.sticky-login-form"). animate ({opacity: "0.15"}, 0); jQuery (". sticky-entry-form"). submit (); }); // register the form submission jQuery (".-register-form #user_email"). typypress (function (event) { if (event.which == 13) { jQuery ("# sticky-register-form. upload"). show (); jQuery ("form.sticky-register-form"). animate ({opacity: "0.15"}, 0); event.preventDefault (); jQuery (".-register-register-form"). submit (); } }); jQuery ("# sticky-registration-submission"). click (function () { jQuery ("# sticky-register-form. upload"). show (); jQuery ("form.sticky-register-form"). animate ({opacity: "0.15"}, 0); jQuery (".-register-register-form"). submit (); }); // hide and check password message jQuery (".expect password"). click (function () { jQuery (this) .animate ({ height: & # 39; Change & # 39; }, 100, & # 39; queue & # 39;); }); // scroll all #top items up jQuery ("a (href = & # 39; # top & # 39;)"). click (function () { jQuery ("html, body") animate ({scrollTop: 0}, "slow"); return false; }); // image is black jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) in (& # 39; mouseenter & # 39 ;, & # 39; .darken & # 39 ;, function (e) { jQuery (this) .find (& # 39; img & # 39;). Stop (). animate ({opacity: .4}, 150); }) in (& # 39; mouseleave & # 39 ;, & # 39; .darken & # 39 ;, function (e) { jQuery (this) .find (& # 39; img & # 39;). Stop (). animate ({opacity: 1.0}, 500); }); // reaction of mice jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) in (& # 39; mouseenter & # 39 ;, & # 39; .reaction.clickable & # 39 ;, function (e) { jQuery (this) .addClass (& # 39; active & # 39;); }) in (& # 39; mouseleave & # 39 ;, & # 39; .reaction & # 39 ;, function (e) { jQuery (this) .removeClass (& # 39; active & # 39;); }); // user rating indicator // user comment comment indicator jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) in (& # 39; mouseover & # 39 ;, & # 39; #contact .rating-wrapper.rateable & # 39 ;, function (e) { jQuery (this) .addClass (& # 39; more & # 39;); jQuery (this) .find (& # 39;. form-Selector-wrapper & # 39;). fadeIn (100); }); jQuery (& # 39; body & # 39;) in (& # 39; mouseleave & # 39 ;, & # 39; #contact .rating-wrapper & # 39 ;, function (e) { jQuery (this) .stop (). delay (100) .queue (function (n) { jQuery (this) .removeClass (& # 39; more & # 39;); n (); }); jQuery (this) .find (& # 39;. form-Selector-wrapper & # 39;). Stop (). fadeOut (500); }); // user comment rate jQuery ("#XT .form-Selector") .on ("slidestop", function (event, ui) { var divID = jQuery (this) .parent (). parent (). parent (). fascin ("id"); var rating = jQuery (this) .parent (). siblings (& # 39;. rating-value & # 39;). html (); jQuery (& # 39; # & # 39; + divID + & # 39; .theme-icon-check & # 39;). delay (100) .fadeIn (100); jQuery (& # 39; # & # 39; + divID + & # 39;. -fix-rate-value & # 39;). val (to measure); });
// pinterest if (jQuery (& # 39; # pinterest-social-tab & # 39;) height> 0) { (function (d) { var f = d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; SCRIPT & # 39;) (0), p = d.createElement (& # 39; SCRIPT & # 39;); p.type = & # 39; text / javascript & # 39 ;; p.async = true; p.src = "https://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js"; f.parentNode.insertBefore (p, f); } (document)); }
// facebook if (jQuery (& # 39; # facebook-social-tab & # 39;) length> 0) { (function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) (0); if (d.getElementById (id)) return; js = d.createElement (s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js # fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs); } (document, & # 39; script & # 39 ;, & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39;); }
//WINDOW.LOAD jQuery (window) .load (function () {
// flickr if (jQuery (& # 39; # flickr-social-tab & # 39; length> 0) { jQuery (& # 39;. flickr & # 39;) .jflickrfeed ({ limit: 9, Symptoms: { id: "https://www.somosxbox.com/" }, itemTemplate: & # 39;
& # 39; }, function (data) { }); }
// tabs - these should be entered via windows.load so that pinterest will work within the tab jQuery (& # 39;. widgets-plus .it-social-tabs & # 39;). tabs ({fx: {opacity: & # 39; toggle & # 39 ;, dude: 150}}); jQuery (& # 39; # footer .it-social-tabs & # 39;). tabs ({active: 2, fx: {opacity: & # 39; toggle & # 39 ;, height: 150}}); jQuery (& # 39;. share-wrapper & # 39;). show (); equHeightColumns (jQuery (". loop.grid .article-panel")); disqusContentsMenu ();
// show ads after mmenu setup because it wraps the page with div // causing google adsense to reload jQuery (& # 39;. it-ad & # 39;). animate ({opacity: & # 39; 1 & # 39;}, 0);
jQuery.noConflict ();