Battlefield 2042the latest installment in the acclaimed saga Battlefield created by DICE, it was released on November 19, 2021. Unfortunately, its launch was not without controversy.. Because had serious problems of connectivity, bugs in games, huge “empty” maps and poor design of some maps.
Recently, through official blog of Battlefield, They announced that they are working on a major update to fix both the maps the game already has, as well as future maps that will be in the delivery.
Battlefield 2042 getting ready for the arrival of season 1
DICE clarified that some of the improvements will not be able to arrive simultaneously in the game because of the amount of work they require. As they mention, the improvements to these maps will help when modifying maps in development and creating new maps in future updates:
The blueprints we mentioned today will require considerable development time. So we can say that not all proposed changes will be available simultaneously in our entire map library.
We’ve established more appropriate behaviors that we’ve already begun to incorporate into new maps being developed for the game. But when it comes to updating existing maps, we’ll focus on maps first. which most need modification.
Our highest priority is make improvements to Kaleidoscope in Conquest and Advance. We realize that our biggest opportunity to improve the game is on this map, so that’s where you’ll see the first updates. We plan to launch the updates on Kaleidoscope specifically during the first season
. Your feedback will not only help us refine the changes we’re making to this map, but also where we should be heading with future map of Battlefield 2042
In any case, we have no choice but to wait for future news regarding this title. Battlefield 2042 It is available for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC. As always, if you want to hear more about this kind of news, be sure to stop by your place here in the Xbox Zone.
Source: clearance bolt.
About the Author
Student in Mechanical Engineering. Fan of video games, motor sports and pop-rock. Fan of Star Wars, strategy games and any frikada.