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We're already halfway through January and we've already had a few releases, although we're still waiting for the first hits of the year to start arriving, having a few planned in this first quarter, as it is the case of Monster Wild Hunters.
This year we also expect that many games that have been active on the market for some time will receive large amounts of new content to continue to keep their players active, giving clear examples of both games from large companies and smaller projects such as Darkest Dungeon 2.
Darkest Dungeon 2 releases new DLC in January
This title arrived on Xbox consoles last year, with a first release on PC the year before and being a success like its predecessor.
Darkest Dungeon 2 was to end in 2024 with DLC featuring many new features, which had to be postponed to January 27 with the launch with “Inhuman Bondage”, which will bring a lot of new features as we can see in the trailer published on the official developer channel and YouTube.
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Darkest Dungeon 2 is one of the best indie games we can play right now and we hope that 2025 will be full of updates and new confirmed content, which we will be very attentive to.