- Developer MB Saunders talks about the features that stand out from the rest Angels with scaly wings.
- The game follows the story of the player who travels through the world of dragons as an ambassador.
- Angels with scaly wings is available now in the Xbox Store.
Angels with scaly wings follows the story of the player who travels to the world of dragons as an ambassador. But things get complicated and suddenly you’re in the middle of a homicide investigation.
Here are five reasons why Angels with scaly wings could just become your new favorite storytelling adventure!
1. You can explore a new world!
Kite society is complicated! While this new world seems strangely familiar, it also operates by its own set of rules. Yet each discovery just seems to raise more questions than answer … which brings us to the next point.
2. It’s a narrative mystery adventure.
Many secrets await you in this visual novel! As a player character, you must wear many hats to be successful, from solving puzzles to investigating crime scenes to discovering the true nature of this world and negotiating with another culture.
3. It takes your decisions seriously.
in the Angels with scaly wingsthere are no wrong decisions. However, there may be answers that look better than others from one angle! But as a game without dead ends, you’d better think twice as your choices can follow you to the end of the story and even change the world.
4th Yes, you can romanticize some of the characters.
If you want. You do not have to. It’s perfectly okay to play the game through without all of this.
5. The main character is a blank board.
While players can enjoy the nuanced characters, interesting conversations, unique narrative, and the big impact of the story, we’ve also worked hard to make the main character feel right. However, we found that this meant saying just enough to make the plot work, but as little as possible otherwise. Since the player character is never seen, players are free to immerse themselves in the story as they wish.
Have we piqued your interest? Find out what happens to the dragon world and when Angels with scaly wings launches today on Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One!
Angels with scaly wings
Ratalaika Games SL
$ 9.99
$ 7.99
After discovering a mysterious portal, you will be selected as one of the few people to travel into the world of dragons. As you act as an ambassador, you will learn more about this strangely familiar place and discover that your human colleague knows more than he wants to admit. It is up to you and your friends to uncover the conspiracy that threatens the newly discovered world. You might even find love in the process. Features: * Epic, mind-blowing 175,000 word story * Make friends (or more) with dragons, including routes with 5+ characters. * Make meaningful decisions that impact the story with 13+ unique endings. * Unlock exclusive pictures of the main characters. * Solve crimes and uncover the secrets of the dragon world.