High on Life details the duration of its campaign mode


High on Life details the duration of its campaign mode

campaign, Details, duration, High, Life, Mode

High on Life details the duration of its campaign mode

A few days ago, my colleague Jose told you how fun and easy it was for the High on Life team to work with Xbox. We know very well that he is not the first and surely will not be the last developer to praise the Redmont company and its Xbox Game Pass service. It’s clear that this program assumes a large increase in players in the new deliveries that arrive on our consoles and the work teams know it.

Now, thanks to the web Pure Xbox we can know how long this chaotic and fun new delivery that will arrive soon will be. If it was not clear to you with the first paragraph of the news, I tell you directly: it will be available in Xbox Game Pass from the day of its launch.

High on Life will keep us glued to the order for many hours

Mike Fridley is the director of Squanch Games and answered the question of how long it will take us to get through High on Life. In this new episode we will have two well-separated periodsone just focuses on the story mode, and the other is the one that has the most “completeists”. Because yes, apparently we will have collectibles that will force us to explore a little more.

Obviously this will depend on the percentage of the game you want to complete, but more or less the average for the main story alone will be around 10-12 hours. But with all the collectibles and other content, you can easily spend 20-25 hours playing the game.

As you can see we are facing a really interesting duration for this FPS. We will be very attentive to the next news concerning this game which promises fun, action and really crazy weapons. Stay connected to Xbox Generation for all things High on Life, Xbox and gaming.

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