Thought you could retire peacefully with your cat on your lap and a good glass of scotch in hand? However, you need to resume service because IO Interactive has prepared one small program for the month of March. Don’t forget to serve the croquettes before you leave and get on your way new adventures hit man 3.
Since yesterday, On March 3rd, you will be able to access three new contracts, “Elusive Target Arcade”. distributed over the different chapters of the trilogy. Completing them with the Nebulae, Genera, and The Vitae titles will grant you a new weapon: Sieger AR552 Tactical. This date also marks the return of the briefings at the start of each objective, but reducing the number of complications to just one. After this decision, certain missions will be changed as follows:
- “The Deceptions”: Removed “Hide All Bodies” and “Camera Countdown” complications. The only thing left is “One Pacification”;
- “The Codes”: The complications “A disguise change” and “Headshots only” have been removed. The only thing left is “No civilian casualties”;
- “The ellipses”: Removed the “No Ballistic” and “Camera Countdown” complications. The only one left is “Hide All Bodies”; Here, this dec ision was made to stay in line with the logic of keeping the first complication of each contract and maintaining consistency in player rankings.
Expect more changes to Elusive Target Arcade contracts since then Each of them asks you to eliminate three targets. At the same time, each complication must be optional, following the logic of removing those that directly lead to an untimely end of the adventure. Tests are underway for all of this to take effect in the next patch.
You will only have time to breathe before March 11th is coming and challenges you to complete the third Elusive Target mission of the year. Titled The Collector, you’ll have 10 days to track down your target and eliminate them with flying colors, whether you’ve completed the previous chapters or not. At the end of the day, costumes and rewards via the challenges.
No, it’s not over yet! If you have the game and accompanying DLC Pass, March 17th will focus on the first episode of the game to bring contract mode to The Author (Sapienza) and Patient Zero (Hokkaido) maps.. The latter will lose its gameplay elements related to virus contamination in order to have as many options as possible, which was not necessary for the story mode. For the rest of the four missions of Hitman 1 GOTY ‘Patient Zero Campaign’,
March 24th is dedicated to HWK21 Covert, a new “working tool” that you can unlock once the next set of three “Elusive Target Arcade” missions are completed. It’s important to note that one of these will be to eliminate a target drawn from each game in the trilogy. It’s always nice to see old friends again!
A busy schedule which will hopefully satisfy you. For those who are late it is always possible to take their first steps the Himan trilogy is available in Xbox Game Pass. Enjoy the rest you will indulge in afterward, because April can be fast approaching…