One Piece Odyssey is the next game anime acclaimed worldwide, which will tell us an original story with its characters. The game will arrive, as usual, from the hand of bandai namco. The release date will be January 13, 2023 and the pl atforms will be PC, PlayStation
The exploration of zones, a key element
In this new trailer of the game we discover more about its characteristics and we can see more areas of Alabasta. It’s a familiar scenario recreated from the memories of the crew as they go to reclaim their lost powers and learn more about the mysteries of Waford. We will be able to explore the different areas with different crew members and swap them as we please. Each character will have unique abilities that will be useful in finding everything there is to discover on the map.
Contrary to what is usual, here the secondary missions are not completely fulfilled,
New combat mechanics in One Piece Odyssey
the battles of One Piece Odyssey They will be turn based, RPG style. In these battles we can use several characters at the same time, each with their abilities. Also, like a good RPG, there will be healing abilities and items, like the food prepared by Sanji.
Finally, the main novelty of this title is the fidelity to A play. In each battle we will have to overcome typical situations in the series that occur with specific combat conditions and that will stimulate progress, allowing the protagonists to gain more experience to complete these tasks. Finally, as always, we tell you that if you want to know more about news like this, do not forget to stop at home, here in the Xbox Area.