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Phil Spencer leaves us with various titles this week. The head of Microsoft’s gaming division has confirmed the existence of a portable Xbox and the belief that there is no red line when it comes to what games can be released on competing consoles.
Additionally, Phil also spoke about the policy for extensions and updates for your gamesbasing his argument on the controversy surrounding the launch of vehicles in Starfield a few weeks before the arrival of the new expansion of the game.
Extensions are decided by the development teams
This discussion led Phil Spencer to think about the company’s expansion policy. In an interview with Stephen Totilo from Game FileSpencer discussed the topic of expansions and their relationship to the creative independence of development teams.
According to Spencer, the decision to create extensions is not taken from abovebut is left to individual software companies.
I don’t like extensions created with manipulative purposes. I want every developer to be able to express their unique point of view.
This implies that expansions should be a tool to engage players in titles they have already completed or moved away from, not a way to manipulate them into purchasing more content. Additionally, Spencer explained that extensions remain a valuable tool for developers. According to him, the extensions “allow developers to re-engage players in titles they have already completed or moved away from.”“. This suggests that expansions can be a way to extend the life of a game and keep players engaged.