Tails of Iron 2 Analysis


Tails of Iron 2 Analysis

analysis, Iron, Tails

Tails of Iron 2 gets into the scene with a new fable of rats, although this time against other rivals much more used to cold

Did you know that rats are excellent climbers and swimmers? You may know. What I only knew recently is that they are experts with the sword, the shield and even the arches and the crossbowlets perfectly. Actions that we will see repeated in Iron Tail 2, the immediately developed mice developed by Odd Bug Studio And this offers a new bloody story with a known playable scheme.

North fauna

Tails of Iron 2: Winter mustaches put us on the skin of Arlo, A beautiful white rat who see that his kingdom of pieces. If in the first episode, it was the huge toads that are wreaking havoc, Now all the guilt falls on bats with very bad intentions. We, as heir to a land desolated by chaos, must recompose the camp and face these winged rats. Although we should have important allies if we want to get up.

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Those who appreciated the first iteration will perfectly know what they will face in this suite. And this can be one of the main problems of the game: the little one or no innovation. We will continue with the same combat style with this touch soul so characteristic. We will have to know when to attack the enemy, but equal or more important will be to defend ourselves from the rival range.

We will have a weak attack, another strong capable of breaking the defense of the enemy, as well as movements to make a counter if we do it in the right time. As a novelty, we can Launch of the magic represented by the four elements that make up Tails of Iron 2: Poison, Ice, Fire and Electricity.

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There are no experience levels like another role -playing game. Instead, We will improve the character with new weapons and armor that make him more powerful. To do this, we can acquire them in the stands dispersed on the stage or even better, we will have the opportunity to create them if we have the necessary material. Certainly, Tails of Iron 2 invited you al crafteo and the collection of ingredients, Not only to improve the ARLO, but to remove your strength from the ruin by building work cabins, assemblies or even the kitchen.

In order to access all types of ingredients and raw materialsThe ideal will be to place various orders which focus on the death of certain animals in service. They are not compulsory, but at some point in the adventure, it becomes essential if we want to comfortably improve our equipment. As in its first part, The fights are very difficult and do not forgive. You must be very concentrated, know the attack on the enemy and know your weak points if we do not want to end up being rodents.

If you sparkle, you will be the food of the rival

In fact, despite the continuist that it may seem at first, The discordant note of all this is some clashes against the type of animals. It gives me a special grace to face the chameleons which are capable of camouflaging, vipers which will not hesitate to poison us or to the legion of black wings with their frozen air attacks.

The scenario also changes compared to the first episode. Although as a general rule, we will have a more northern and winter setting, there will be a place for all types of biomes and animals to interact. And be careful, although everything seems very colorful and with an apparently childish style, we will continue to have raw fights and stories, where Deaths, beheadings and other dogs are on the agenda.

Conclusión de Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter

Odd Bug Studio returns with a new episode of his souls acclaimed in 2D mice. As in the first part, we will continue to have very demanding fights that require preparation, a study of rival and perfect moments if we do not want to bite the dust. He crafteo It becomes even more important than before, because it is the basis for improving our equipment and is the best way to repair our strength.

It may seem too much to the first part. In fact, even history collects several comparisons. But the intensity of the confrontations, the different biomes and this very well measured difficulty tell us about this adventure from start to finish. If you've already finished with the whole legion of toads, now touch to kill the bats that make up the Legion of black wings.

Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter

$ 19.99

Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter


  • Intense and difficult fight
  • New enemies and biomes to discover
  • Elementary powers offer an additional touch


  • Too continuous on the first episode
  • The text on the screen eats a lot of space
  • The emphasis is more placed on the profession than before

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