Last May, the world of video games surprised us with one of the worst news What to expect from Xbox. The Microsoft division suddenly announced the final theoretical closure of two studiesbeing the first Arkane Austincreators of Red fall Or Prey (2017). But the closure that struck us the most was the second, that of Tango Gameworkscreators of the spectacular Hi-Fi RUSH to the saga The evil within with Shinji Mikami, father of resident Evil who is currently working on his next project in his own studio called KAMUY.
However, ultimately It appears that the Japanese study’s termination was not final.
Como parte de este acuerdo estratégico, KRAFTON tiene la intención de colaborar con Xbox y ZeniMax para garantizar una transición fluida y mantener la continuidad en Tango Gameworks, permitiendo al talentoso equipo continuar desarrollando la IP Hi-Fi RUSH y explorar proyectos futuros. KRAFTON tiene la intención de apoyar al equipo de Tango Gameworks para continuar con su compromiso con la innovación y brindar experiencias nuevas y emocionantes a los fanáticos.-Comunicado de prensa de KRAFTON
Will Tango Gameworks games on Xbox Game Pass be affected?
To the question that can be read in the subtitle: no. It has been confirmed that Tango titles available on Game Pass will not be affected at all.. They will still be there to be enjoyed by every subscriber of the flagship Xbox service, so you don’t have to worry about this issue. This means you can continue installing and playing at no additional cost to both users. Hi-Fi RUSH
It remains to be seen when we will see this sequel to the original multi-award winning proposal that was launched by surprise in early 2023. As always, in the Xbox space we will bring you all the information that will present itself as soon as possible. possible, both on this subject and on other video games from your favorite console.
Hi-Fi RUSH It is available on Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and PC. Also in the Xbox Game Pass catalog at no additional cost.
I’ve been playing video games for as long as I can remember, so you could say I enjoy talking about them a little.