It can’t be repeated enough, but LinkedIn has a wealth of information on upcoming video game studio projects. In the lines of a job description, we can often discover the engine the teams are working on, the type of game that is being developed, but also whether or not future production is a sequel. And so we learn today The coalition is developing a new license
There is little room for doubt as the terms are so clear. By visiting the profile of Pedro Camacho D’Andrea – on good advice from @ BethWilder26, whom we thank! – Level Designer in the Canadian studio, we can read the following mention:
Level designer on a new IP
The man would work since then already 6 months in the project. It is therefore very likely that The Coalition will give up the license for some time. transmission. Or a second team was formed to create a new universe. Obviously, this production will be exclusive to the Xbox ecosystem.
Rumors of a potential project surfaced last May war of stars
In any case, The Coalition was able to prove its technical mastery in two games, but also give the various characters of the universe a certain wealth. War gears. Suffice it to say, we can’t wait to find out what the developers are up to.