Xbox Game Pass: Let’s do an “Ultra-Combo in Killer Instinct” this week

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A weekend is over and that only means that we need to get back to our weekly routine, with a number of obligations and responsibilities that many of us have, whether we are adults or very young. No matter what group you are in, you always have to come back.

That is why, from Generation Xbox, we want to give you the necessary reasons to start these five days with the energy and the necessary reasons to continue. It’s not an easy task, but with these games we will surely be able to put you on the right track.

We continue with Killer Instinct all this week with Xbox Game Pass

This way, if you have your subscription to Xbox Game Pass active, we invite you to take a step of faith with us, to accompany a legendary saga like its name, Killer instinctin which you will distribute blows and also receive them, ideal to encourage us during these days.

Killer Instinct Classic – Perfect to start on a Monday and Tuesday

The first title in this franchise was responsible for offering us a new chapter in the his tory of video games. With gameplay, characters and charisma to rival the greatest.

classic killer instinct 2024

Classic Killer Instinct
Classic Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct 2 Classic – A must-play Wednesday and Thursday

A sequel was not long in coming, with a game that improved on what had been achieved with the first opus, in addition to offering us new characters and enormous action.

killer instinct 2 classic 2024

Killer Instinct 2 Classic
Killer Instinct 2 Classic

Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition – The Perfect End to the Week

When this game was announced, we could never have imagined that this sequel would be so well received, to the point of having a lot of popularity and acceptance. Additionally, we were able to celebrate its tenth anniversary recently.

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