The coronavirus is on its way to becoming the most important event of the year, if it hasn't already done so. Extraordinary measures taken by the majority of countries in the world They fight to try to reduce potential infections of the disease that spreads worldwide to unprecedented levels.
All news and international newspapers open with news about coronavirus and new infection data, but it's important to pay attention to the official details. For that reason, today we are bringing you up 4 different maps and sources that you can communicate from your iPhone in real time to know the progress of COVID-19 in different parts of the world.
Big companies like it Microsoft or Google have maps provided on COVID-19
Maps to know the size of the coronavirus
From the iPhone we can access many sources of information, here you have it Four reliable sources where you can find out about the increase in coronavirus, worldwide and in Spain.
Microsoft has created a map in its Bing search engine that clearly shows those infected by coronavirus in every country of the world. It is possible the most comprehensive map on the net and it also has a complete counter and statistical division in countries. You can check it from the link.
Google Maps
One of the most widely used mapping system in the world also has its own map dedicated to calculating those coronavirus particles in the world. This is a real-time map where you can consult all coronavirus-related cases, both confirmed, suspects and convicted. We have several icons that show different data and you can move around the map to get in touch with any country in the world, you can view it from here.
Coronavirus distributed the probability map
Rovira Virgili University of Tarragona and University of Zaragoza have created a model and map to try predicted the risk of new cases of COVID-19 infection in Spain it depends on where you live. This way you can see the current main sources of infection and the possibility of getting it from other cities or municipalities in close proximity, you can check this information on the project website.
Finally, we have a worldometer website, which has many tables and data showing the occurrence of coronavirus in each country. We have it again for a few seconds infected, mortality and treatment data and access to graphs of the old transagion curve. A very comprehensive website with official information from many other countries.
It may interest you | Apple is closing all Apple stores in Spain and the world because of the coronavirus
On these four websites and maps you will find all the information you need and the most up to date information on the coronavirus, all always based on official sources and information published by each country throughout the day.
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