Apple AirTags are indeed “magical”…
Apple AirTags have saved many people’s day over the past few months. Apple’s little locator has helped many users find their stuff and even stop thieves. And now they’ve been part of the “grand trick” of a magician named Danny Orleans.
Danny Orleans traveled from Chicago to Newark to perform a magic show. When he landed, he suddenly realized that the trick had been done to him. United Airlines had made his suitcase disappear.
The Final Lost Suitcase Trick
From Business Insider they tell us the curious story of Danny Orleans, a magician who lost his suitcase during his trip to Newark and he was able to retrieve it thanks to the AirTag from Apple.
Danny Orleans’ luggage contained a sound system for his magic show which is worth 1,500 dollars. When he landed, he waited to see his suitcase on the conveyor belt. But he never showed up. He had disappeared as if by magic.
Fortunately and conveniently, Danny had attached an AirTag to his suitcase. he therefore hastened to locate the luggage from his iPhone. The Find My network showed her the exact location of her suitcase, and to her surprise, it was at Newark airport.
He was talking to customer service at the airport and they told him “the bag wasn’t in Newark” since it hadn’t been checked. The magician showed the employee the location of the bag on his iPhone and, although they offered to send him to the hotel when they found him, he decided to continue his search.
Analyzing the location of the AirTag on the bag, he determined that it must be somewhere near Gate 90. But he had a problem: the only way to access his bag was buy a new plane ticket. I don’t hesitate for a moment and buy another flight.
The suitcase was near the airport runway
He went through the security systems and arrived at gate 90 of the airport. He looked out the window and…there he was!, in the middle of the dance floor, in the middle of nowhere.
“It was just lying there on the tarmac. Most frustrating of all was that someone walked right past the bag as I watched, and just walked past it, like it wasn’t their job to pick it up.”
Danny Orleans was able to recover his suitcase and his precious sound equipment
The fearless wizard explained the situation to an airline employee, who kindly took to the tarmac to save the day. A beautiful magical story with a happy ending.