According to psychology, people who were “spoiled” as children typically exhibit these seven traits as adults. Now we understand what it is about Steve Jobs


According to psychology, people who were “spoiled” as children typically exhibit these seven traits as adults. Now we understand what it is about Steve Jobs

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It’s not news to know that Steve Jobs had a dark side, just know a little about how bitter his character was on many occasions. What we know now is that it could be due to a complicated childhoodwhich sounds like an excuse, but many experts are talking about it. We must not forget that Steve Jobs was an abandoned child who found himself in an adoptive family.

Psychology Corner experts reveal some Characteristics of adults that may be due to being “spoiled”. In every sense of the word, from a complex childhood like Jobs’ to those who were simply too spoiled by their family.

Correcting these attitudes as a child makes you a better adult.

For psychologists, certain traits of an adult person may arise from the behavior of their family when raising them as a child. Therefore, they advise parents to manage certain attitudes as early as possible to prevent certain negative attitudes from continuing in the future or new ones from appearing, such as the following:


Although at a certain stage of development it is normal for a child to be selfish, it is not appropriate behavior from the age of 6. This can harm them in the future and is in fact described as the main attitude that shows signs of impairment. And although it sounds cliché and seems easier to write than to practice, the truth is that there is no choice but to not give them your all.

They are not empathetic

This doesn’t mean they can’t be kind people, but that they simply don’t have empathy for others. It is required to develop assertive communication from an early age so that as an adult, we have the ability to show empathy and put ourselves in the shoes of others.


Impulsivity is not negative in itself, but it can play tricks if the decisions made as an adult are mostly supported in this way. Experts associate this with selfishness and ask not to give children what they always ask for at the moment, but rather to teach them what “delayed gratification” is, which is nothing more than to postpone a small reward in the present for a larger one in the future. future.

Emotionally intelligent people use this expression to gain respect and improve their relationships. It only has nine words and Steve Jobs destroyed it


Without going to extreme demands that could be harmful, it is recommended to be strict with children from an early age, imposing certain routines and rules on them. This way they will be able to adapt much more quickly to changes and have a much more organized and disciplined life.

Inability to manage conflict

Fear of conflict isn’t bad in general, but trying to escape any type of conflict can be. And that is why the emphasis is once again placed on communication, on the expression of all ideas from an early age and respect for all points of view. An exercise that parents must also apply and which will help them in the future to know how to solve problems on their own or, at least, not to run away from them.

They are not polite

“Thank you” and “please” must be forged by fire in the brain from an early age. It’s a question of education and respect for others, whether they are famous or not. Often, children who do not receive such an education end up adopting a despotic attitude as adults and, even unconsciously, need special treatment.


Again related to everything related to conflict, assertiveness and selfishness, we often find stubborn adults who are not able to change their position even when presented with proof that they are wrong . This is why experts place so much emphasis on teaching how to communicate correctly and not be afraid to make mistakes and change course.

Obviously, for correct these attitudes This requires patience and, in many cases, professional help. This is why all experts recommend that families rely on professionals, both as educators and as children. In this way, techniques can be adapted to the circumstances of each family.

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