Now that WhatsApp's dark core has reached the globe we see how the company prepares to introduce another new feature that will be nearing its launch, and is related to links to group invitation.
The latest beta version of WhatsApp for Android hides an activity that will allow us to share a group with QR code
QR code for installing WhatsApp group
If we are a director, in the election of Link to group invite
When we display a QR code, the app tells us that our friends can scan this code directly from theirs whatsapp camera, so they wouldn't use any other app to read QR. Currently a WhatsApp camera cannot read QR codes, without the "WhatsApp Web" option.
WhatsApp QR codes will be another way to invite friends and family to your WhatsApp groups. If you don't have your phone number, you'll need to show only that code to join.
At this point it is possible to create and join WhatsApp groups with QR codes, but not from the program itself but using third-party programs to convert the link into a code and into another coding program. Soon you can do both of these actions without leaving WhatsApp.
Via | WABetaInfo