The business world continues to try to help with the Coronavirus pandemicAnd when they help us very soon we will end this, and most importantly, we will soon be back to normal (or as normal as some say). These days we have been hearing how all the countries are considering the introduction of a local anti-COVID system by Google and Apple
Tim Cook confirmed this during the release of Apple's financial data, Apple sent these face shields to $ 7.5 million toilets
In addition to making these face shields (screens we see these days to cover the whole head), they also donated 20 million FFP2 toilets worldwide, people who are exposed daily to the effects of Coronavirus and need it more than anyone else. All of this along with millions of dollars (iPhone SE Product RED revenue is up a percentage for example) to many organizations making efforts to end the epidemic. A good example of a large company is that what you want is all the return to normal.