Elon Musk attacks Apple again via Twitter
The businessman of the moment, Elon Musk has performed again statements against Apple and the commission paid by developers for listing their apps in the App Store.
The businessman has been more consistent with his Twitter posts after buying this social network. In the publication made by a media where they talk about PayPal’s support in the antitrust class action lawsuit against Applethe investor responded emphatically.
“The Apple Store is like having a 30% Internet tax. It’s definitely not fair.
This comment was repeated by Musk a few months after giving his opinion on the legal battle between Apple and Epic, where as expected Epic fully supported mentioning that “Apple’s App Store fees are a de facto global internet tax“.
This supporting detail was fired this time, as Epic’s Tim Sweeney also recent post retweeted showing full agreement with Musk’s words when attacking Apple.
The Apple store is like having a 30% Internet tax. Definitely disagree.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 3, 2022
Elon Musk vs. Apple
In July last year, discontent and attacks from Elon Musk were evident during Apple’s earnings period. The CEO of Tesla did not hesitate to issue two negative responses to those of Cupertinobecause when its position vis-à-vis its competitors in the automotive sector was called into question, it denied that it intended to affect them with practices such as those of the “walled garden of Apple”, a reference to the policies and the company-maintained enclosed platform with the Bitten Apple.
Moreover, he mentioned that Apple uses 100% cobalt in the manufacture of batteries for its devices, while Tesla only uses 2%. Definitely a very controversial statement.
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The disagreement between Apple and Elon Musk is notable, it is said to be due to the intention to sell Tesla to Apple on the condition that Elon Musk be Tim Cook’s successor after he retired from the company, something that clearly didn’t happen and shouldn’t happen.
Butwhat do you thinkAre these attacks a way to release the frustration of the truncated dream of being CEO of Apple or is this a specific opinion that joins that of other companies seeking to fight competition from the business ?
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