FREE 12 Months of PlayStation Plus!


FREE 12 Months of PlayStation Plus!

free, months, PlayStation

promo liberbank playstation cards april 2020

Of course if you've been paying attention to Andro4all in recent times too you have a passion for video games more than anyone, you'll know the PlayStation card provided by Liberbank as a particular bank product gamers in partnership with Sony and worldwide PlayStation which is already greeting the new generation of PS5 in the coming months.

What if there is a bank card designed for & # 39; gamers & # 39; and special benefits when playing? Yes, there is, it is called playing card And if you didn't know him, you've already taken the time to follow us so we know all about him.

And why should you be so interested? Well, because the only card that won't cost you anything, will let you withdraw cash free of thousands of ATMs and choose its composition among the many creations based on video games, and that too it will refund part of your purchase so you can use it in the PlayStation store without any circumstances or small print.

You can now combine your passion for video games with your daily payment method, because the PlayStation card continues to make you money back from the PlayStation Store and launches new promotions.

Your PlayStation card holds the prize: 12 FREE months of PlayStation Plus!

This is only this April, EVERY year of PlayStation Plus for FREE

If you missed any promotions ago, as the duo of attractive cards and free game hosted last March to welcome Cassassass & # 39; s Creed: Odyssey into the system, don't worry because bonuses never end with PlayStation products Liberbank.

In fact, from now until May 4 you can't get any less PlayStation Plus 12 months totally free, with an account and debit card after the first purchase for at least € 20.

The whole year of purchase of the service the premium from Sony PlayStation there is no charge, either for a card or a PlayStation account have any opening or hiring commission. You can contact here for the full Legal Assistance Businesses, and thus avoid panic.

A special promotion during April gives you up to 12 months of PlayStation Plus to get your account contract with your PlayStation card

Your PlayStation card holds the prize: 12 FREE months of PlayStation Plus!

The only card that gives you money back will allow you to customize the build and let it speak for you

If you have the desire and want rent your PlayStation card, you should know that you do not have to wait for the end of the alarm, because it is possible to hold it no need to leave home and in just a few minutes, follows the simplest online process with the same link from where you can choose your card design among other PlayStation motifs or others based on summer in Mara, Nubla World, Cool Paintr VR, Thomas vs Aliens or Cassass & # 39; s & # 39; s Creed.

Once you have it, you should use it as the only card in the Spanish bank returns money directly, without any choice or exceptional circumstances, by program of refund as you buy with it.

Specifically, your PlayStation card will accumulate in the area of ​​your customers 0.5% of your spending, in addition to the other 0.5% of all basic home receipts that you place on the card itself or in your PlayStation account, such as electricity, water or telecommunications. And if your PlayStation card is a credit, you should know that it will add up an additional 0.5% of your purchase, up to 1%.

Your PlayStation card holds the prize: 12 FREE months of PlayStation Plus!

No. no commission For these products, the card rental is completely free and the account includes a zero price transfer, and you will have Free spread of anti-fraud protecting you from the Internet from unwanted purchases or identity theft.

The Liberbank PlayStation Products They have an app on the Google Play Store to manage all of our movements and consumer credit with PSN credit, so you will be more than ready for the future it will be more mobile than before.

The card is definitely a rule for all of them if you can't split your command DualShock, again the only one of these will get you a refund so you can continue playing without worries… Can you ask for more in a bank product?

Andro4all | PlayStation card covers Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey world: get your own special design, get the game for FREE, 6 months PSPS and a € 20 PSN credit
Content provided by | PlayStation card

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