How to cancel Disney + on iPhone, Mac, and Apple TV


How to cancel Disney + on iPhone, Mac, and Apple TV

Apple, Apple TV +, cancel, Cancel Disney +, Disney, Disney plus, iPad, iPhone, Mac

Disney + offers a wide range of content: series, films, documentaries … With its launch, it has made the dreams of Disney, Marvel and Pixel fans come true, and with the arrival of the Star catalog, more mature content is also available. arrived. .

However, precisely the incorporation of Star (with series such as Grey’s Anatomy) led to the price increase. Before, the subscription cost $ 6.99 per month, whereas it is now worth $ 8.99 per month (or $ 89.90 per year).

The benefits of hiring Disney + are many, but not everyone is willing to continue paying that amount per month after the free trial period. If this is your case, you will need to know how to unsubscribe.

How to cancel Disney + on iOS

For anyone wishing to unsubscribe from Disney + from their iPhone, they should follow the usual procedure for canceling subscriptions to Apple services or apps purchased from the App Store.

1. Open the “Settings” of your iPhone (or iPad).

2. Tap on the section with your name that you will see at the top.

3. Select “Subscriptions”.

4. Now click on the subscription you want to cancel, in this case “Disney Plus”.

5. Finally, you can press “Cancel subscription”.

How to cancel Disney + on macOS

If you want to cancel your Disney + subscription from a Mac, you have two options: do it directly from the browser (in which case we recommend reading our article on PCWorld) or from the Mac App Store.

Here are the steps to do it from the Mac App Store:

1. Abre the Mac App Store.

2. Click the sign in button (if you’re not signed in) or your name, which you’ll see at the bottom of the sidebar (if you’re signed in).

3. Now click on “Show Info” at the top. Again, you may need to log back in.

4. On the new page, find the “Subscriptions” section.

5. There, click on “Manage”.

6. Find the subscription you want (in this case “Disney Plus”) and click “Edit”.

7. Finally, select “Cancel subscription”.

How to cancel Disney + on tvOS

If you usually watch Disney + on your Apple TV, you will find it very convenient for you to cancel your subscription directly through the Apple Media Receiver as well. Remember, you can only do this from an Apple TV with the Disney + app installed.

1. Open Apple TV’s “ Settings ”.

2. Select the “Users and Accounts” section.

3. Now select your account.

4. Click on “Subscriptions”.

5. Choose the subscription you want to cancel, in this case “Disney Plus”.

6. Finally, select “Cancel subscription”.

This method only works on models after the 4th generation Apple TV (included). If you have a 3rd generation Apple TV or earlier, we recommend that you use one of the other methods in this article.

And if you want to end your subscription to Apple’s streaming service, don’t miss How to cancel Apple TV +.


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