If you write a message, you want them to read it and if you send an audio, you want them to listen to it. WhatsApp gives you a foolproof way to find out if anyone heard the audio you sentwithout having to open a menu. This is an old WhatsApp trick that not everyone knows about.
We tell you how to know if someone has heard your message, something that I can't tell from the read receipt.. While the double blue check mark indicates that the audio was played in the other person's chat, whether or not they played it is otherwise indicated.
The trick is in the ball
Do you want to know if anyone has played an audio you sent? It's easy, just do it look at the little ball that appears in the player. More precisely, what color is it?
When the playing ball is blue, the other person played the audio. Otherwise, it is displayed in gray. This works as long as both people have read receipts enabled, which you'll know because the blue double checks will also be shown.
Three audios sent, but only the middle one was played
Despite what it may seem, the double blue WhatsApp check in a sent audio simply indicates that it has arrived and that the other person has opened the chat, but not that it has been played. When audio was played, changes the color of your game ball to blue.
This is not a glitch or a secret trick, but a way for WhatsApp to give you the information, which you can also view in a more conventional way by long-pressing on the audio you have sent and, in the menu, choosing Information.
Here you will see the date of the three states of an audio– When it was sent, when it was received and when it was played. When a dash appears under “Played”, it indicates that it has not yet been played. If read receipts are disabled, read dates will always appear blank. See Yes Book.
However, you should keep in mind that there are ways to play audios without them knowingin which case the ball will remain gray and the game date will remain white.
It is also important to know that when someone transcribes audioone of the recent novelties of WhatsApp, the audio is not marked as read, even if the other person can know what is said there.
In Xataka Android | WhatsApp does more than send messages: 13 little-known tips