Navigating on the web don't have to be informed. If you visit recognized pages and do not share personal data with them, you shouldn't have any problems. Even so, it is always possible to provide navigation with advice that adds a Additional safety layer. They are compatible with the Google Chrome that we use daily.
Open the web browser, click the favorites and open the relevant page. Or write the address, which jumps after the tightening of a link in an application … Regardless of the route, we all open the browser on our phone several times a day. But Is this whole process sure? Are there any options to increase security?
Yes, Google Chrome can be safer
This is the habit on our Android because it is pre-installed by Google in certified devices. There are many equally valid alternatives, some still much better. Although, in general, we cannot escape the creation of Google: Almost all are based on chrome.
Put Google Chrome in the target on the phone. Make sure you always have it updatedThis is the previous Security Council. Then see step by step until you get a mobile web browser which, although not shielded against threats, they will be more difficult to attack you.
Improvement of safe navigation protection
Google Chrome generally requests at first if it activates the Improvement of safe navigation. With him, the browser filters certain phishing attacks, the false web pages, the files downloaded with malware and other software. With an obstacle to confidentiality: navigation data pass via Google servers.
SAFE Navigation shares data with Google, take it into account for your privacy
To activate ups improved safe navigation, you must do the following:
- Open Google Chrome and click on the three upper menu points.
- Select “Configuration”.
- Access “confidentiality and security” and go down to “safe navigation”.
- Activates “improved protection”.
Website isolation
This function hidden in Google Chrome helps protect your Android from websites with bad intentions. Thank you to what Chrome will run each page as a separate processAny code executed on the web will be isolated from the rest of the phone. This reduces access to information from other websites that you have already opened a telephone file.
To activate the isolation of websites, you must proceed with the following steps:
- Open Chrome on Mobile.
- Write “Chrome: // Flags” in the address bar, without quotes. The menu of experimental functions or flags will open.
- Look for “strict isolation of the site” and act.
- Reinicia you google chrome.
There is an important contraindication of web isolation: This function can increase the consumption of RAMA point in case already delicate in Google Chrome. Take it into account.
Goodbye to cookies
Browser cookies are essential for the pages to demonstrate personalized services, so that the starting data is stored and, also, for follow -up along the Internet. It is practical to clean cookies, although you can always take a step forward for maximum safety.
To prevent your Google Chrome from keeping cookies that wish to approve, you must perform the following process:
- Rose Chrome in you Android.
- Access “Configuration”, in the three higher menu points.
- Give “confidentiality and security”.
- Press the “cookies” and select “Block cookies from the third part.”
Do not forget: block the cookies will make you connect each time you charge a page, this will not remember the information you enter. If you would have forms, it may be uncomfortable to block cookies.
Delete all navigation data
You don't want to leave any trace once you stop navigating the web? Chrome allows you to delete everything with time scratches, so that you only eliminate the most recent.
Deleting navigation data is configured as follows:
- Open Chrome on your Android device and see “Configuration”, in the three -point menu.
- Click on “Confidentiality and security”.
- Give “delete navigation data” and choose the erasure options you need. Our advice is that you all eliminate provided you have not introduced something important that you want to recover. If it is a password, do not activate this section, for example.
- Press the DROP -Down “Time” and select the band that suits your session. If you sail an hour, select it. Or the last 24 hours.
- Prepare “delete data” and all the information selected It will disappear from your Google Chrome and your Google account.
Perform this process frequently to make sure that there is no longer lost data. In addition, if you do not browse in incognito, most of the data will be deleted as soon as the private tab is deleted. It is an additional security council.
Add a VPN to the equation
It is not included in Google Chrome, but it is worth adding a good VPN application when you use the Internet: in addition to masking IP connections, these services generally protect threats that arrive via the web browser, like Google Chromium.
Our advice is that you do not use any VPN service, invest in the one that is safe, reliable and verified by external companies. Your Android will earn a lot of safety.
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