iOS 17 will recognize your pets’ faces

Animals Recognized by Photos App in iOS 17

The Photos app in iOS and iPadOS has evolved with the latest updates. A few years ago the possibility of detecting the faces of the people who appear in our photos and giving them a name to have all the people in a personalized album was integrated. Year after year this recognition has improved and the next evolution came with iOS 17. With the new update pets like dogs and cats will be recognized in the Photos app

and they will enter the custom face album. Because according to Apple “pets are also family”.

iOS 17 improves and will allow you to recognize and classify your pets

Photos undergoes few changes in iOS 17 but one of the main ones comes from the new facial recognition of pets. Apple has hinted at the concept of “dogs and cats” both on its website and on the day of the keynote, but it may be possible to detect the faces of other animals over time. This recognition also allows name the animal

and add it to the new album which is no longer called ‘People’ but ‘People and pets’.

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It’s normal that if you don’t have many photos of your pets in iOS 17 Photo Library, it won’t recognize those pets. To do this, it is necessary there are enough photos for the machine learning to recognize the patterns. Once detected, it will become part of the scrapbook and Photos will start giving you memories of that animal, just like it happens with people.

We will have to see with the passage of the beta the ways iOS 17 is able to differentiate itself two animals with the same color or with a similar face, and understand how it will make a difference. Also remember that Photos has an integrated species search engine that allows you to detect what species the animal is within the application itself, a function that remains native in iOS 17.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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