It looks like iPhone 14 pricing will stay in line with previous versions

In the absence of a month, more or less, to see the market launch of the new iPhone, in version 14, we already have many rumors that tell us how they are going to be, the design, the software and a long etc We were missing the rumor of the prices and it seems that they are already coming. The good news is that it seems like from the start, prices will remain

and they will not increase from previous editions. They will be the same as those of the iPhone 13.

When the new iPhone 14 is launched on the market, one of the biggest concerns that usually arises is the price of the terminals. Taking into account that it is one of the premises that mark your purchase. It seems that the new rumors that are coming indicate that the starting price will not be high and will remain on the same terms as the previous models. That’s to say, It looks like Apple has made the decision to freeze the base price of the iPhone 14

. Good news, no doubt.

The person responsible for this new rumor, Yuex1122, is a regular on this news and has a fairly respectable success rate, so we can say that the rumor started must be listened to. It can be said that this is not an unreasonable rumor, since the price of the iPhone 13 remained the same as the 12 model. So it is doable. In addition, it is noted that the decision to hold prices stems from a decision taken at the highest executive level of the company,

based on current supply and demand indices.

Teniendo en cuenta que el mercado de los SmartPhones no se encuentra en su greater momento y que hay un estancamiento, al que hay que sumar un periodo de recesión como el que estamos viviendo, hace que la decisión de congelar los precios se tome con el fin enough to be incentive when renewing iPhone and buy the new model in version 14.



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