Model Brooks Nader reports she was tracked with an AirTag


Model Brooks Nader reports she was tracked with an AirTag

AirTag, Brooks, model, Nader, reports, tracked


Brooks Nader, swimsuit model Illustrated sports, has publicly denounced having been tracked without his consent by a tracking device, in particular by an Apple AirTag.

Although the company has made changes to iOS 14.5 so that this was not possible, there are already several reported cases of these criminal practices. In the model’s case, when she noticed the warning on her iPhone that she was being tracked, she was already home. The tracker had achieved his goal: to find out where he lived.

Ever since the rumors started a few years ago about Apple launching a location tracker integrated into the iOS “Search” system, I have seen that it could be an object “dangerous»If it has been used fraudulently.

For 35 dollars you can buy a AirTag, and hide it in a pocket or in your victim’s car, and have it permanently located. Apple realized this could happen and delayed the release of AirTags until it made a change in iOS 14.5 to “avoid” such tracking. If your mobile detects that you have been near an AirTag for a long time that is not yours, it will inform you.

But this does not prevent that due to the low cost of the device, the malicious “tracker” does not try to see if he is lucky and that his victim does not see the warning on his iPhone in time. . Once the object is found, the victim cannot know who owns it. This is what happened to the model a few days ago Brooks nader.

The stalker has achieved his goal

Nader, a swimsuit model for Sports Illustrated magazine, explained a few days ago on her Instagram account that she had been located for more than five hours with an AirTag. One night he went out for a drink and at one point a stranger stuffed an AirTag in his coat pocket.

When Nader noticed the warning from her iPhone that an unknown AirTag was locating her, it was too late. He was already at home. For 35 dollars, the tracking spy already knew where he lived. Mission accomplished.

A few weeks ago, we also released the news of a band of thieves Canadian luxury car company that also used AirTags hidden on the outside of the cars chosen to be stolen, and thus know where they stay parked, to be subsequently stolen. Apple needs to give its system one more spin in order to avoid such criminal locations.

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