It has been several months since protocols began to be established for the cell phone use by children in classrooms. It was something that was regulated regionally in certain communities and also in each center. We are now about to go further with a law that regulates it nationally and in all areas.
This is still a bill that has not yet been passed by Congress and the Senate, but it is already known as the Digital Protection of Minors Act. In its first versions, it is envisaged force manufacturers to add parental control systemssomething that Apple already respects iOS and all Android manufacturers in its system, but which still leaves unfinished business.
Where is Apple with the future law and what remains unresolved?
Parental controls have been around in iOS and other enterprise operating systems for several years now. Specific, It can now be found on iPhone, iPad and Mac. This way, parents will not only be able to control how long their children use the device, but also set limits on the duration, applications and content they access.
And although this Apple parental control system has things to improve (we will see if they will do it in iOS 18), the truth is that it would comply with what the law requires in this first version which, we insist , has not yet been approved. . He states that A parental control system should be standard on mobile phones, tablets, computers and televisions. Apple therefore already meets three of the four requirements.
What the Californian firm would therefore be missing is fine-tune Apple TV parental controls. It is not a television as such, although it is a system linked to them and therefore the law can consider it as such. Currently it has a system of restrictions, although it is not as deep as the rest of the systems.
Other warnings brands and developers should make
The bill from the Ministry of Youth and Children also envisages other obligations for Apple and other manufacturers, as well as developers. See for example the labels referring to the content of the applications in order to prevent minors from accessing inappropriate content.
A system similar to that of the labels provided by video games is planned, adding a new visual language that marks if they contain inappropriate content.
Similarly, They also look for app accessibility for disabled children. They hope it will also be marked with some sort of label demonstrating that the tool contains understandable language for certain disorders such as autism.
The experts already have this bill in their hands and they are expected to publish a report on June 20 that will serve to clarify, add or delete elements of the law to eventually reach the plenary session of Congress and, finally, being ‘approval. No deadline has been set for the latter, although executive sources indicated in December that they hoped to have it approved by the end of the year and already in effect for 2025.
By | The voice of Galicia
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