If we didn’t have enough with WhatsApp groups, now we also have to deal with Telegram groups. This alternative email client has become very popular in recent years due to its public groups and your privacy, since we can be in a group without having to share our phone numberwhich has led many users to use Telegram groups to create large communities.
if you have to Telegram by its user communities and you don’t want to lose your mind with so many groups, so don’t miss our selection with the best tips and tricks to help you survive their groups.
Configure who can add you to a group
To control who can add us to new groups, we must go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Groups & Channels
Adjust group notifications
So that the notifications do not stress you go to Settings > Notifications & Sounds > Groups and configure group notifications. There you can turn off notifications for all groups or turn off only certain groups, among other options. You can disable groups for a few hours, days, or forever.
Organize groups by folders
If you have several groups, you can organize them by folders to have the most organized Telegram chats. For example, workgroups, friends, or topics you are studying each have them in their respective folders. To organize the groups by folders, just go to Settings > Chat Folders and start creating folders. When you have created a folder, click on it and add the chats and groups.
Archive the groups you don’t want to see
To make the Telegram chats main view cleaner, you can archive groups
Check pinned messages
If you are a user who entered a group for the first time, it is highly recommended view pinned posts whose shortcut appears at the top of the group chat. The moderators often set group rules and useful information for group members.
Find shared files and links
By clicking on the name of the conversation group, we can access the list of files and links that have been shared. If we drag the list of files, we will see how when we move the action bar from blue to white, the search magnifier
Search the timeline for shared images and videos
For media files, we can also access their “secret menu” of options if we drag their files until the top bar turns white. There you will find practice possibility to activate the calendar power view images and videos that have been shared on a given day.
Configure your group permissions
If you are managing a group, it is highly recommended review your Telegram group permissions. This messaging client lets you decide whether members can send messages, pictures and videos, GIFs, polls, links, add users, pin messages, or edit group information.
Set your group’s privacy
Finally, as administrators, you can also configure the type of groupto create a private or public groupoh protect group content with the “Restrict Content Saving” option, which will prevent users from copying, saving, or forwarding messages from this group.
In Engadget Android | How to Manage Open Telegram Sessions Like a Pro
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