Posting more ads in the App Store doesn’t even sit well with Apple employees themselves


Posting more ads in the App Store doesn’t even sit well with Apple employees themselves

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Apple could ruin your App Store experience.

Apple recently announced that it will include more ads in its App Store to recommend apps to its iPhone, iPad and Mac users.

Many users believe that this marketing strategy is not the most appropriate and that it could spoil the excellent reputation of the App Store from Apple – which already had a small number of ads in its searches – and now Apple employees have also joined in the criticism.

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Apple employees disagree with including more ads in the App Store

A message from The Information reveals that there is internal disagreement within the company with the bitten apple logo, which has caused some employees in the advertising sector to show their disapproval at the possibility of adding more ads and ruining the premium user experience they provide. time offer in the app store.

The advertising team is very concerned that the company’s advertising activities are going too far. It is well known that Apple employees like to do things right, to “think differently”.

AppStore 2021

Publicly, from Apple they show a united front in relation to their announcements. Especially in its App Store ads, which help developers gain more downloads and consumers discover more apps. But internally, Apple employees aren’t happy with the strategy.

“With a Today Tab ad, your app can be permanently featured on the front page of the App Store, making it one of the first pieces of content users see when they start their app. visit the App Store.”

At least seven employees who worked on Apple’s advertising team have disagreed and believe that the inclusion of more ads it will hurt the premium experience of using an iPhone. According to The Information news, in 2018, Apple planned to run ads in iOS Spotlight search, but eventually the plans were canceled.

Be that as it may, the firm with the bitten apple logo does not plan to compete in digital advertising with industry giants such as Google or Meta.

“Within Apple, there doesn’t seem to be much appetite for such big targets at the moment. A person familiar with Apple’s advertising business said the company has no ambition to compete at the same time. level than Google and Meta in digital advertising and that it also had no plans to build an ad network similar to its rivals.Executives are pleased with the growth in revenue from Apple’s existing ads.”

We’ll have to wait and see how this case develops. While Apple has always been concerned about maintaining the privacy and security of its users, they also need to be careful not to overwhelm their users with too many ads.

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