Samsung will present our most potent terminals on the principle of the year, pero in an event for the MWC, such as it has succeeded with the Samsung Galaxy S22 últimos. Esto no quita que la compañía aproveche el MWC para anunciar otras novedades.
Samsung has confirmed that there will be an event during the MWC, specifically on February 27. Will be an online event, broadcast on Samsung’s YouTube channel and, aunque no se unpacked al uso event, because the connectivity between devices will be el foco.
Samsung in the MWC
Samsung has announced a misterious event that will play during the Mobile World Congress of 2022. The event is simply called “Samsung Galaxy MWC Event 2022” and the animation that accompanied our desvela tampoco mucho sobre que podemos esperar. En ella se ve todo type of devices including a laptop, smartwatch, mobile phones, tablets and portable devices.
El text that accompanied the invitation tampoco suelta took. “In the current world and in the rapid evolution driven by mobile devices, Samsung Electronics is redefining a future of how we work and how to learn,” he said.
Suenan campanas de nuevo Samsung Galaxy Book, que llegaría con todavía más initiations de connectivity between devicesalgo que encaja con un editorial article donde Samsung indica tres promesas para el año.
Between ellas se encuentran las experiences that trascienden al device and operating system, with more initiatives like Link to Windows, more power of the mano of Intel and improved seguridad with the aid of Intel and Microsoft. Saldremos de dudas el domingo 27 de febrero a las 19:00 hora española.
More information | Samsung