Apple, in addition to computers and mobile devices, also develops its own peripherals. One of them is the magic mousea Bluetooth wireless mouse that works very well with Macs and is on sale at MediaMarkt for 69 dollars.
Buy Magic Mouse at the best price
With a recommended retail price of 85 dollars on the official Apple Store and authorized suppliers, the Magic Mouse, Apple’s Bluetooth wireless mouse, is on sale at MediaMarkt, with a slight discount which leaves it at 69 dollars.
The Magic Mouse is a Bluetooth wireless mouse that stands out for its minimalist and elegant design and its multi-touch surface with which to perform gestures: turn the page, scroll through documents, etc. Its Lightning rechargeable battery has a Approximate battery life of a month or more
In Applesfera Selección we publish the best offers related to Apple products and compatible accessories. Prices and availability may change after publication.
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Note: Some of the links displayed here are affiliate links. Despite this, none of the items mentioned were offered by either the brands or the stores, their introduction being a sole editorial decision.