After overcoming the temporary closure of its stores in China, a country where the onset of the coronavirus crisis and where the situation has returned to normal, Apple now has to face a similar image Italy, where 78 people have died from the virus have already been confirmed, beating Iran with the highest number of deaths outside China.
As a result, Apple should follow the Italian government's instructions to close some of its stores in the country, as demanded by last year's Presidential Council announcement, all central and major stores, as well as retail outlets within shopping centers, Bergamo, Lodi, Piacenza and Cremona
Apple should temporarily shut down an Apple store in Italy
While so far, the situation does not reach the extent of what happened in China, a limited ban in Italy could use a more serious offense if the virus continues to spread across the country. As reported by Appleinsider, similar controls can be introduced in other states.
Considering the progress of the situation in Italy and the warnings of the World Health Organization announcement, Apple has also taken steps to look after its employees. In a memo released this week, the company applied travel restrictions for its employees in Italy, South Korea and China, informed that, in any event, these must have the consent of the president against the company on any trip to these countries.
The effects of coronavirus have placed on the technology industry the technology. Event cancellations, production restrictions and the loss of the value of your shares Due to market uncertainty some of the side effects have been known to the virus and not the most powerful company in the world has been able to leave it unharmed.