The moment has happened: The first pornographic content application is now available for the iPhone: swirl bath. After years to prevent this type of content in the App Store, Apple could not do anything with this application because it is offered in the alternative store, and its anger is monumental.
The DMCA, the European regulations which allowed the installation of application stores other than the App Store of our iPhone and our iPad, has already had one of Apple's most dreaded consequences: pornographic applications. Hot Tub says it is the “first porn application approved by Apple”, as announced on social networks that you can check the image of the header. And precisely for this reason, Apple's anger is monumental: Apple has approved nothingIf this application depended on it, it would never have reached the iPhone.
We are deeply concerned about the safety risks that hardcore pornographic applications of this type create for EU users, especially for children. This application and others like this will know consumers in our ecosystem in which we have worked for more than a decade to do its best in the world. Unlike false declarations made by the market developer, we certainly do not approve of this application and we would never offer it in our app store. The truth is that the European Commission obliges us to distribute it by market operators such as Alstore and Epic, which may not share our concerns about user safety.
And that's good that All applications distributed in other stores must go through the Apple filterThe limits that the company can put only refer to problems such as malware, fraud and similar, but not to their content. Apple cannot prevent pornographic applications in stores like Altstore, but from there, it is approved by Apple, there is a lot of difference. The applications included in these stores can not only include pornography, also drugs, alcohol, hatred speeches and other content that would never be inside the App Store, but but European regulations force them to be authorized in alternative stores. It was one of the arguments that the company used to prevent other stores, but without success.
The procedure for The installation of these applications is not easyBecause this requires allowing the installation of the alternative store, then, inside, add the application standards that include them. It is much more direct to use an internet browser such as Safari, already installed on our iPhone and to navigate hundreds of websites with this type of content. But nevertheless Apple believes that the fact that it is an application is a greater confidence of users than Apple itself allowed it.
What has to do with this whole film epic? His other game store, outside the App Store, which includes games like Fortnite, is inside Altstore. So, inevitably, Epic was involved in this controversy, so he wanted to clearly indicate that it has nothing to do with the swirl bath, included in a different repository. However, in the apple, they are not so convinced of that, because they do not forget that Epic was the one who donated Alstore to be completely free And do not have to charge its users $ 1.50 per year to cover the rate that Apple invoices for alternative stores.