By default our Mac screen starts after 20 minutes of inactivity. It's a decent amount, but most laptops, especially when working with the battery, turn off the screen within 20 seconds, so we won't get to enjoy the usable screen offered by the system. Fortunately at Applesfera we tell you three ways to customize the screen.
Functional corners are used
Active corners are the source that our Mac provides to create four shortcuts or shortcuts to tasks we can activate by placing a mouse in one of the four screen areas. We will fix it as follows:
- In the Apple menu () we select it System Preferences …
- We're in Machine Control.
- We play inside The corners are there.
- In our favorite corner we touch the drop down and pick it up Start screen.
From now on whenever we place the mouse in the corresponding corner we will work on Screensaver immediately.
Shortcut to Dock
We can also activate the speed of our Mac with a click booth icon. The steps to prepare for the program are as follows:
- We open this window Finder.
- On the menu Go we choose Move to folder …
- We copy and paste the following path: / System / Library / CoreServices
- We are dragging the app ScreenSaverEngine to Dokini
With keyboard shortcut
Finally we can use the keyboard shortcut that works to open Screensaver, in this case First we will create the Automator service and then extract the key combination
Create a service
- We open the app Agency which we will find in the Applications folder, we can also use Spotlight (Command (⌘) + Spacebar) to search for it.
- We're playing New document.
- We choose Quick action.
- Press Select.
- In the search bar we write "Screensavers".
- We double click Start screen that comes from the results.
- We close the Automator window and when we ask to save we enter the word type "Start screen" and touch Save.
So far as we build the flow of the automator, now let's see how to assign a keyboard shortcut.
Enter keyboard shortcut
- In the Apple menu () we select it System Preferences …
- We're in Keyboard.
- We add a tab Quick jobs.
- In the left sidebar we select it Services.
- In the list on the right we click the name of our shortcut.
- We're playing Enter an instant task.
- Press the key combination we want to use.
Now we can try our new shortcut, from anywhere in the system we can press the newly decided combination and the screen saver will work. If I didn't, it meant we had a choice existing key combination and in this case we have to convert it to another (Command (⌘) + Option (⌥) + J available).
And those are simple, three useful ways to use Screensaver for our Mac whenever we want.
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