These were his last words


These were his last words


Most of the sentences attributed to Steve Jobs are false, they are really his last words.

These were really the last words of the brilliant founder of Apple

Many years have passed since the sad passing of Steve Jobs and in all that time there have been many phrases attributed to him as his “last words”. However, the vast majority of these phrases are just lies. Steve Jobs passed away after a very long illness and, despite his brilliant speeches, he could barely articulate a handful of words before he disappeared.

Many Phrases Attributed to Steve Jobs Are False

If at any time you saw these sentences as one of those that Steve Jobs said shortly before his death, know that they are false. These types of phrases are usually found on many social networks, but the truth is that these were not the last words of the founder of Apple.

I have reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In the eyes of others, my life is an example of success.

However, outside of work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is just a fact of life that I’m used to.

In this moment, lying on the sickbed and thinking back on my entire life, I realize that all the gratitude and wealth I once boasted about has paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death.

In the dark, I watch the green lights of life support devices and hear the mechanical whirring, I feel the death god’s breath coming closer…

Steve Jobs

Many Phrases Attributed to Steve Jobs Are False

Right now, lying in bed sick and thinking back on my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth I have is meaningless in the face of impending death. I have the money to hire the best at any task, but it is not possible to hire someone to carry my disease. Money can provide all kinds of material things, but there is one thing that cannot be bought: “LIFE”.

As I got older, I realized that a $300 watch and a $3,000,000 watch showed the same time. That with a $150,000 car and a $15,000,000 car, you can reach the same destination. That a $150 wine or a $1500 wine generates the same “hangover”. That in a house of 300 square meters, or in one of 3000, solitude is the same. True happiness does not come from material things, it comes from the affection our loved ones give us.

Steve Jobs never uttered either of these two phrases. His last words were something much easier due to his difficult illness.

The real last words of Steve Jobs

All of these phrases seem too elaborate for someone as sick as Steve Jobs. In fact, his last words were much shorter, revealed by his sister Mona Simpson in a New York Times article dated October 30, 2011, 25 days after his death: “Steve looked at his sister Patty, then his children, then his life partner, Laurene. Steve’s last words were:


Steve spent the last months of his life focused on his four children and his wife Laurene to make up for so many years absorbed in work. And his last words were not considered at all due to the situation, not like the last email written by Steve Jobs, where he had a much more philosophical reflection.

Apple occupied a good part of the life of Steve Jobsthat we can now know better thanks to the last book of The Steve Jobs Archive which we can download for free.

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