Mark Zuckerberg confirmed what the betas and closed tests announced were very close: reactions to whatsapp messages are now official. The novelty continues to spread but there are already a few lucky iPhone users who can respond to messages by adding one of eight available emojis as a reaction.
Fewer silly messages, fewer notifications
Por el momento ninguno de nosotros ha recibido el cambio (no debería comportar if the update of WhatsApp in iOS, probably will be treated of a cambio basado in web), pero en las capturas de Android que puedes ver arriba se check cómo el funcionamiento es muy easy: keep your finger pressed on a message and choose the reaction
This is a good way to save messages and notifications to messages that only require a very simple reply. Remember that the emojis you can use are: 👍❤️😂😲😥🙏
If you still don’t have the news, be patient: Zuckerberg has confirmed that it will be rolled out starting today, but it may take days to see it active on all iPhones. Just in case, you can check if there are any WhatsApp updates available on the app store and download them manually.