Apple's keywords, especially those presented by Steve Jobs, they are full of mythological moments. From an important iBook book, its Wi-Fi connection and hula-hoop to the day that Job forced all of its iPhone 4 attendees to break out of the hall's Wi-Fi network if they wanted to continue seeing the best text.
Today we bring you one of those moments that will always have a memory. It was 2005, the iPhone hadn't been launched and the iPod was Apple's damaged tool. That day Steve showed the world that those little pockets could be used
A small bag for a small iPod
In 2005 Apple was focused on growing its music business and the iPod was a star tool. By then we had a few models in the market, though Apple managed to win and produced something small, the smallest on the market, still worth a thousand songs.
The presentation came when Steve was about to unveil the iPod nano, but he did it wonderfully: The new iPod we've had all this time with him in a small pocket
As we see the iPod nano was a real change compared to other mp3 players of the time, it took less than half that many. Needless to say, at that time Apple was not competitive in the industry.
The little iPod nano had it A color screen for games, it had the famous wheelchair wheels and amazing design