Over a year and a half is the time it took Google to make it compatible Android TV and the function that allows us to create a group of speakers. From now on you can listen to the same music for all speakers and televisions with a built-in Chromecast
Google is updating the component Chromecast built-in of all television and multimedia sites via Android TV. If your device is not currently active you can force an update by signing up for a test program through the Google Play Store. After the update you will need to restart the TV or box set up for the changes to take effect.
So you can add your Android TV to a group of speakers
Once your Android TV is updated, you should take your phone and open the app Google Home. Click the icon & # 39; + & # 39;
Now when Google Assistant tells you that we want to listen to music in that group of speakers, the sound is heard from the selected speakers and the television. Playback and volume will be controlled as if it were a single device.
Google Home
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