The eternal battle between good and evil, illustrated by the two player camps of Diablo 4: “Endgame is everything!” – “But I want a good story!”
“Only a Sith knows nothing but extremes,” Obi-Wan Kenobi already knew and somehow we have the feeling that the Jedi Master never played Diablo 4 during his exile. Because its community literally thrives on extremes.
Whether it’s wild Spiritborn builds with trillions of damage points, incredible hardcore leveling stories or the everyday basic discussion about the best class on Reddit: In Diablo 4, people like to argue at least as often as they like to fight demons.
A very old question that has always divided opinions is that of the story. When Vessel of Hatred was released, it came to a head again when we criticized the weak add-on ending in the test.
So we wanted to know from you: What do GameStar readers say about it? The answer is profound.
The launch trailer for Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred sends you into the jungle
GameStar readers appreciate good stories
More than 2,000 people took part in the survey. The question was simple: What importance does the story in Diablo have for you? There were four choices – so that the results weren’t too extreme. For Obi Wan.
What does the result tell us? GameStar readers have a lot of interest in a story in video games. This fits in with our own observations of your preferences: Immersion, story and atmosphere are three very important terms for many of you.
The fact that a majority of survey participants rated the Diablo plot as important or very important was not a big surprise to us. That it but a whopping 71 percent are, surprised us:
Accordingly, 28 percent or 615 of the votes were “fairly unimportant” or “totally unimportant”. That’s still a good third. But the voice of the Endgame faction, which determines the discourse about Diablo 4 and other action role-playing games on the vastness of the Internet, shines significantly quieter with GameStar to be than anywhere else.
Mephistopheles is a long time coming
For all story lovers among Diablo fans there was recently bad news. According to Blizzard, the big cliffhanger of Vessel of Hatred will only be resolved in the next addon for Diablo 4.
The boss fight However, according to our observations, the end of the expansion raises one or two eyebrows even among “the main thing is to get to the endgame quickly” players. The differences between the two player camps are sometimes not as extreme as they seem.
How’s it looking for you? Have you already played through the Vessel of Hatred campaign? Do you see yourself in the survey results? Write to us in the comments!