The Cheater-Problematik in Call of Duty: Warzone is producing stranger fruits. The warzone professional and streamer Charles “MuTeX” Saouma takes desperate measures to prove his innocence. Allegedly, the professional uses frowned upon third-party software that makes cheating easier.
But he doesn’t want to let that sit on him: Now MuTeX lets everything go during his stream five cameras to run. He hopes to be able to rebut the serious allegations. However, he seems to be riding himself deeper into the misery with his attempts.
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What happened?
MuTeX was previously accused of using the tool “Cronus” by the Youtuber “BadBoy Beaman”, who specializes in cheaters. The software is intended for gamepad players and facilitates cheats through the possibility of integrating scripts. Cronus is therefore prohibited in most of the competitive formats of CoD: Warzone.
BadBoy Beaman claims to have found evidence: This is how you saw Cronus on the packed desktop of MuTeX, as BadBoy Beaman documents in this video:
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The accused is now trying with growing desperation to refute the allegations. In a video, MuTeX explains that he has not used Cronus for years – it is just a holdover from previous LAN tournaments where the tool was allowed.
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In another video he shows how he deletes Cronus from his hard drive. Apparently the next mishap happens here, because the installation date can also be seen in its software directory, which is in the March 2021 lies.
So that would be in direct contradiction on his statement that the software had been on the hard drive for years. Even an update should not have updated this entry, since the Cronus Pro used has not received a new version since 2018.
The Youtuber BadBoy Beaman explains all of this in his second video:
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A decision on whether the streamer has cheated or not remains open in the end. So far, neither side is ready to backtrack or admit wrongdoing.
how do you see it? Do you think that MuTeX is cheating or at least made a mistake or do you see no violation just because unauthorized software is on the hard drive? Write us your opinion in the comments!