ArmA Reforger: Cross-Play causes a significant increase in player numbers

Geralt of Sanctuary

ArmA Reforger: Cross-Play causes a significant increase in player numbers

Arma, crossplay, increase, Numbers, player, Reforger, significant

The tactical shooter ArmA Reforger has reached new heights since the introduction of cross-play.

The tactical shooter ArmA Reforger from Bohemia Interactive has now received full cross-play support – and that has really paid off for the sandbox first-person shooter.

If proof was needed that cross-play functionality is generally beneficial for a game today, then Bohemia Interactive now provides it, so to speak, with ArmA Reforger. As the company has now confirmed, the number of players has continued to improve since the introduction of this function. ArmA Reforger now counts 172,000 players every day, according to the company.

Such a huge commercial success is quite remarkable for a game that is rather niche. The title was originally released in early access in 2022 for PC and Xbox Series Gold status was achieved in November 2023 and many things became significantly better. The release for PS5 then took place in December 2024; 262,000 copies were sold within the first four weeks!

Mod support for the game is still pending on the PS5; Ways for implementation are still being explored here, Bohemia is working with Sony on a solution.

After the release of the PS5 version, the number of players on the PC also doubled; on Steam the top mark was over 12,500 players at the same time. It remains to be seen what heights the title will reach.

ArmA Reforger – Trailer for the PS5 version

Bohemia Interactive announces that the realistic military simulation Arma Reforger is now available for PlayStation 5. Arma Reforger on PS5 features several exclusive innovations, including adaptive trigger implementation with varying resistance per weapon type, haptic feedback and motion controls that enable precise customization.

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