Battlefield 2042’s promise scoreboard is here, death stats tracked

The Boss

Battlefield 2042’s promise scoreboard is here, death stats tracked

2042s, Battlefield, Death, promise, scoreboard, stats, tracked

long awaited Battlefield 2042 The patch originally scheduled for February is finally here. The patch was released this morning on all platforms, but it probably won’t get you back into the game.

3.3 is an update that provides the first iteration of the game scoreboard. The scoreboard was first shown in January and has been slightly updated.

Mainly, the design now includes player death, which is in a way the most requested addition by players. The existing match overview panel continues, but now finds a new, cleaner home page on the left side of the page.

DICE said further updates to the scoreboard are in the works, including being available at the end of the round.

Another major addition in today’s patch is the staunchly exclusive Legendary Bundle, a slew of cosmetic items for Ultimate/Gold Edition owners, and the game’s Season Pass. The bundle arrives later today as compensation for the game’s first season delay — still no date.

Looking ahead, DICE said a larger update is currently planned for sometime in early April. This will add VOIP between squads, more updates to the scoreboard, and a bunch of balance tweaks to weapons and vehicles. The developers also say that we can expect a “complete overhaul of the attachment behavior of infantry weapons”.

Read on for the full changelog for patch 3.3 below:


  • Fixed a game crash that could occur on Origin or Xbox One when logging in/out with an Xbox One controller.
  • Setting chat keybindings no longer requires a game restart to take effect.
  • Adjusted aim assist on the console to ensure the system works when the analog sticks are at 100% range. Previously it only worked in the range below 100%.
  • Fixed bug where removal would not result in kills on Xbox One and PS4.
  • Established a new location for our EU data center, Frankfurt.


  • Conquest and Breakthrough – Fixed a bug where the Protect Target XP event was triggered even after the capture point was fully captured.
  • Danger Zone – Fixed a visual bug showing squad teammates in the match discovery sequence.
  • Danger Zone – Fixed a bug where end-of-turn experience buffs would sometimes not trigger.

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