A projector is only fun with the right screen. But there is a large number of screens in various price ranges. We’ll tell you how to find the right type.
Tripod or extendable screens
Manuelle Rolloleinwand
Electric screen
Tension canvases
Frame screen
Masking canvases
High contrast screen
Who is for one Projector instead of a television in the home theater should also consider buying a canvas. Because with it you achieve Beamer a much better picture.
Not all beamers are suitable for projection onto a screen. There are restrictions here, especially for projectors under 1,000 dollars.
But there are a large number of types, the prices of which vary between 150 and 1,000 dollars. We give you an overview of the individual screen types as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
Tripod or extendable screens
Tripod or pull-out screens are only suitable for home cinema to a limited extent. (Source: Sepia100 /depositphotos.com)
Tripod or extendable screens are intended for mobile use and can be quickly assembled and dismantled. Due to their mobility, the maximum image size is severely limited and the canvases are often prone to waves in the canvas. In most cases you will look in vain for masking and the lightness of the picture is reduced by the thin canvas.
Portable tripod screens are only suitable for a home theater to a limited extent. For applications in which the image quality is in the background, such as watching films in the garden or the garage, such screens, on the other hand, show their advantages.
In addition to the mobile tripod screens, there are also floor screens. With these canvases, the cloth is simply pulled up from the floor and then set up using a pole construction. The prices of canvases increase with the width of the image. A mobile entry-level screen starts at 150 dollars.
Manuelle Rolloleinwand
Roller screens are attached to the wall as a metal box and the canvas can be extended and retracted as desired. They can therefore be integrated very inconspicuously into the living room and are a very inexpensive solution that is completely sufficient for home theater use.
For those who do not find the manual pulling out of the screen annoying and who cannot accept that the fabric is not perfectly flat, a roller screen is the perfect introduction to the world of home cinema. Roll-up screens start at 130 dollars.
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