Outright Games has announced, after signing a new agreement with Cartoon Network, a chain specialized in animation series, which will launch a new video game based on Ben 10 later this year. Developed by the PHL Collective studio, this new title will be released on consoles and PCs.
The game's announcement comes shortly after Cartoon Network announces the movie Ben 10 vs. The Universe: The Movie
Although it hasn't been announced if Ben 10’s new video game will be based on the movie, Terry Malham, CEO of Outright Games, explained that the team is «Glad to return to work with Cartoon Network. Going back to the world of Ben 10 is something we have been eager to do for a long time. The response from the followers has been incredibly positive and we are very happy to work with Cartoon Network and continue developing this continuous partnership.
Outright Games has already commissioned the launch of the Ben 10 video game based on its reboot. It was published to late 2017