You could only buy a PS5 last week in branches of Media Markt and Saturn. But where is the online drop? You can find out more in our ticker.
If you want to buy a PS5, you have particularly good chances with large electronics retailers such as Media Markt and Saturn. You can find the console regularly online with both but also locally in the markets. In this ticker you can find out what the current situation is. From time to time, both retailers hold large pre-order campaigns, where you can get hold of the coveted PS5 console, for example, in the form of a bundle. Such an event is also taking place in June.
The situation on June 20th
10:20: A week ago, a PS5 pre-order campaign took place in numerous branches of Media Markt and Saturn. It has been quiet in the dealers’ online shop since April. However, the sale in the markets could be seen as a harbinger of an upcoming online drop. It has not been unusual for such a campaign to be followed by a sale in the Media Markt and Saturn online shops. We keep an eye on the situation for you.
Save time with the next sales campaign
The last big PS5 sale via Saturn and Media Markt online stores was messy and frustrating. Payment methods were refused or consoles canceled just before they could be purchased. So that you can avoid these problems next time, we give you a few tips.
If you want to buy the console from Media Markt, we recommend using the in-house app. With this, the purchase works better than via the browser. It is best to set up an account in advance to save time. Since Apple Pay was the only payment method that didn’t cause any complications, you should select this as the default.
Danger! One of the few permanently available solutions to get a PS5 is currently offered by Media Markt and Saturn. There you get the PS5 in a bundle with a mobile phone tariff.
PS5 bundle at Media Markt (ad)
PS5 bundle at Saturn (Advertisement)
A comparable approach has not yet emerged for the Saturn shop. During the last sale, there were also problems with the Saturn app. If we find a solution, we will let you know.
Are console bundles returning?
When Media Markt and Saturn receive PS5 supplies again, they will probably be sold in bundles again. We provide you with an overview of the previous console bundles.
You should always keep an eye on the two dealers. In addition to the links above, you can also check whether Saturn and Media Markt might again be offering the PS5 bundles mentioned below in their online shops.
PS5 bundles at Saturn
Other providers
To increase your chances of getting the PS5, you should also keep an eye on other retailers. At Amazon and Medimax, the chances of a sale are currently quite good.
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