Delta Force: Details about the content of Season 2 + Black Hawk Down

Geralt of Sanctuary

Delta Force: Details about the content of Season 2 + Black Hawk Down

Black, content, Delta, Details, Force, Hawk, Season

After the successful reboot of Delta Force, there is now information about what will happen next in Season 2 and the single-player part Black Hawk Down.

At the end of last year, Team Jade brought back the classic shooter Delta Force in a new look and had a hit. On Steam, the number of simultaneous players is regularly at a stable 100,000 gamers – and of course they want to be employed in the future in order to stay there. That's why the first details about the upcoming Season 2 and the single-player part Black Hawk Down have now been announced.

Season 2 called Starfall in Delta Force is scheduled to start on the PC from January 18, 2025. This will then bring with it a new operator, Sineva, who has a protective shield, barbed wire and grappling hooks.

Something is also happening on the map front: The map Knife Edge is a rather smaller, infantry-oriented map, while Train Wreck is said to be more similar in size to Zero Dam. Otherwise, maps that are already available will also be revised. For example, the industrial zone in Star City will be expanded, while Zero Dam will be expanded underground.

Also on the plan are new game modes that will be available for a limited time. Hot Zone lets three teams of three compete against each other. The goal is to be the first to find and decrypt a MandelBrick – or to eliminate all other opponents. Alternatively, there will also be a classic capture the flag mode.

The developers also discussed the Black Hawk Down single-player campaign and provided some new information. The first mission will involve you attacking a Somali military meeting, where you have to capture high-ranking targets. Missions 2 and 4, however, follow the 75th Rangers Regiment, which comes under fire while attempting to return to UN-controlled zones.

Missions 3 and 5 focus on Black Hawk crash sites, although it is still unclear whether these will be told from the Delta or Ranger perspective. In mission 6 you have to clear a way out at night – probably even without night vision devices. And last but not least, the Mogadishu Mile awaits you in Mission 8, a group of survivors who make their way to safety on foot.

The Black Hawk Down campaign does not yet have a release date; This should also be launched with co-op functionality. Versions for Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 are also scheduled to be released during 2025.

Delta Force: Hawk Ops – Gameplay Trailer von der Gamescom 2024

Delta Force: Hawk Ops was also at Gamescom.

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