Disco Elysium: Also comes for Nintendo Switch

Geralt of Sanctuary

Disco Elysium: Also comes for Nintendo Switch

Disco, Elysium, Nintendo, Switch

Switch owners can be happy: with Disco Elysium, a weird but highly acclaimed role-playing game will soon be available on the Nintendo console.

<a href = "https://img.gameswelt.de/public/images/202004/7c97eb578d2843f3399e77fc8e2cc4f3.jpg" data-title = "Disco Elysium Image 1
Platform: PC | Date: April 9th, 2020 "data-lightbox =" 7c97eb578d2843f3399e77fc8e2cc4f3.jpg ">

Disco Elysium is one of those games that nobody has on their radar, but which then surprisingly clear away. The isometric indie role-playing game from the Estonian studio ZA / UM has won prizes and awards like no other game in recent months.

The title, which was released for the PC in October 2019, will soon also be available for Nintendo Switch. This was announced by Aleksander Rostov and Helen Hindpere vpnh ZA / UM as part of a podcast by the BBC. Apparently the studio is currently working on the design documents for control and user interface, the actual development should begin soon. That would be the end of the console series, versions for PS4 and Xbox One have already been confirmed.

Disco Elysium puts you as a detective in a fairly bizarre open world, in which you or not with a comprehensive skill system with a lot of playful freedom and opportunities to decide crimes.

Disco Elysium – Hardcore Mode Trailer

The cult role-playing game Disco Elysium will be expanded to include a hardcore mode.

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