James Billcliffe
Friday, December 20, 2019, 17:05 GMT
New Borderlands 3 The meaning of DLC is one thing: the new legendary weapon can enhance the arsenal of Vault Hunter.
Thanks to the help of Arekkz Gaming's friends, you can learn something from every world in Moxxi's "Handsome Award" robbery.
As Arekkz mentioned in the video, there are additional weapons related to completing specific story activities that are not shown in the video. However, as you would expect, they are easier to cultivate and find because they are in a consistent location.
Borderlands 3 Grand Prize Legendary Weapon
The video below runs through all guns and a shield, which can be generated when the world falls into Moxxi's Heist on the handsome jacket DLC. From Boomer SMG (fire explosive bullets with "spicy sauce") to Lucky 7 (rollable slots to add extra gain to the bullets), the myriad of legendary weapons available here are full of fun and unique abilities, making it difficult Believe it.
Borderlands 3 Ion Cannon
Of all these incredible weapons, the joystick that everyone really wants is an ion cannon. This legendary rocket launcher has some of the weakest damage numbers in the entire galaxy, so be sure to increase the rotation angle.
Although the amount of ammunition for rocket launchers is usually small, ion cannons can get up to 5 million damage from a fatal blow.
This feature is especially useful when you cultivate the highest Mayhem Mode level, as things get quite tedious and fast at that level.
To get yourself one, Arekkz had the greatest success, removing it from the Fabricator MK II bosses you competed against during your DLC.
For more information on Borderlands 3, here are some of our best character builds. Or, if you've been struggling to pay for a handsome award-winning lounge-so far we've found something here.