Humble has another really strong deal for Dungeons & Dragons

Geralt of Sanctuary

Humble has another really strong deal for Dungeons & Dragons

deal, Dragons, Dungeons, Humble, Strong

Included in the package is the Ultimate Bestiary: The Dreaded Accursed.
Included in the package is the Ultimate Bestiary: The Dreaded Accursed.

Included in the package is the Ultimate Bestiary: The Dreaded Accursed.

Good news for everyone who wants a good round (or twelve) of Dungeons & Dragons, but is left without new material. Humble Bundle has your back once again and offers a package with a whopping 58 books for your D&D adventures.

Included are 5e-compatible campaigns, rulebooks, token packs, maps, and other resources to bring your world to life.

We'll tell you here exactly what you get for your money.

This is in the D&D packs

Click here for the Humble Bundle

5e is the latest version of D&D and has revised the rules especially for beginners, but still offers enough depth for the veterans among you. The bundle includes content created using the free OGL license. If you want to know more about it, just scroll down.

As usual, there are several bundles you can choose from. The most expensive package costs just 24 dollars. You will receive all content as a PDF or for the e-reader, in English:

  • Different adventures
    • Sea King's Malice 5e and the associated VTT Asset Pack and Art Book
    • The Lost Triptych
    • Path of the Vanished
    • Tome of Quests Vol. One (with 5 different adventures)
    • Splinters of Faith 2022 5e (with 11 related adventures) and the associated VTT Asset Pack
    • Into the Unknown
    • Whisper & Venom 5e and the associated VTT Asset Pack
  • Deck of Dirty Tricks Vol. 1-3 (for unpredictable events and interactivity)
  • Endless Encounters: Dungeons (for more creativity in dungeons)
  • The Ultimate Guide to Alchemy, Crafting, and Enchanting
  • The Ultimate Guide to Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery
  • Ultimate Bestiary – The Dreaded Accursed and Revenge of the Horde (Creature Overviews)
  • Treacherous Traps (for Dungeon Designs)
  • Ultimate NPCs – Skulduggery
  • Ultimate NPCs – Warfare
  • Elements of Inspiration (tool for dynamic storytelling and roleplay)
  • Objects of Intrigue (for random quest starters and monster encounters)
  • Tome of Horrors 2020 Cards Deck 1-3
  • Book of Beginnings (Adventurers' Collection)
  • Exwyn's Handbook to Heroism (for character creation)
  • Cry Havocs! (Orc faction)
  • Records of Faith: GM’s Journal und Player’s Journal (Questreihen)
  • 11 Token Packs
  • 9 Map Packs

You can also get the bundle with just token and map packs for just under 14.50 dollars or just stock up on cards for 5 dollars. But between you and me: the biggest package is the most worth it.

OGL license? What is that supposed to be?

Instead of official books that come onto the market through Wizards of the Coast, the bundle gives you content that is distributed through the Open Game License (OGL). This was created by WotC to make it easier to create and share Dungeons & Dragons content.

This allows various developers to publish content without fear of legal consequences. The OGL has always been free and designed to promote an open platform for creativity. Of course, this only benefits players, as it means there are many more options for fresh content.

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