The animated film “K-Pop: Demon Hunters” will be released exclusively on Netflix. It’s about a girl group that hunts demons between concerts. But when does the film start?
- K-Pop: Demon Hunters is an upcoming animated movie from Sony Pictures.
- The film about a girl group with a secret sideline comes exclusively to Netflix.
- It is not yet known when the film will start on the streaming service – according to Sony Pictures, it will be soon.
What do successful K-Pop stars actually do in their free time? The animated film “K-Pop: Demon Hunters” at least suggests that some girl bands hunt demons between live performances. A mixture of “Sailor Moon” and cyberpunk.
Now it is also clear where the film from Sony Pictures will be released: the streaming service Netflix has secured the premiere of the superhero adventure, as the film studio said to the “Business Insider” has confirmed to.
“K-Pop: Demon Hunters”: Coming to Netflix “soon”
However, when “K-Pop: Demon Hunters” will start there does not seem to be fully clear: Sony Pictures’ official film website only says “Coming Soon” on the release date. That means “coming soon” after all, although “soon” is a much too flexible term, especially in the eyes of genre fans.
For fans of K-Pop, there are other formats on the subject that can be used to shorten the waiting time. Disney+ recently released a documentary about BTS band member J-Hope’s solo excursion “J-Hope in the Box”.
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