Since NintendoSoup They inform us that Latias and Latios will be back in Pokémon GO in no time, specifically from January 24 to 27, so there are a few days left before this happens. Both legendary can be caught from the raids. Until recently you could catch Magikarp shiny in the raids, but now it's time to make way for these legendary dragons.
In addition to announcing your arrival, Niantic also gives us techniques to defeat to both Pokémon in a simpler way, giving us alternatives to attack the weakness of these legendary Dragon and Psychic type.
These Eon Pokémon are both Dragon and Psychic type, so it is best to bring other Dragon Pokémon, such as Rayquaza and Dialga. In addition they are also weak to Ice, Insect, Ghost, Dark and Fairy, so some Pokémon recommended to complete your raid team are Tyranitar, Togekiss, and Mamoswine.
Are you excited for this raid?
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